Controller vs Keyboard
7 years ago
United States
He/Him, They/Them
7 years ago

Hey guys, wanting to start running this game, but not sure whether is would be better using a controller or the keyboard. Is this more of a preference thing?

Any other tips you have you be great!

Tasmania, Australia

I've been practicing with a controller, although it's just my preference because I bet my mechanical keyboard would respond better. What have you been using so far?

United States
He/Him, They/Them
7 years ago

I've played the game with both, but have definitely spent more time using the keyboard than a controller. I feel like a controller would make some of the jump/cloak combos easier, but probably isn't as responsive, so I'm not really sure either option is better than the other.

Georgia, USA

I'm not very good at keyboard, so I used a controller! Use whatever works best for you!

United States
He/Him, They/Them
7 years ago

Dang man, knowing you used a controller makes your run even more impressive! Haha. I will practice with a controller a bit if I'm just experimenting and stuff, but I feel like I cannot do anything nearly as fast with it, but that's probably just me.

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