I recently discovered a very interesting glitch that completely breaks this game. If you die while getting damage boosted into a life potion -- therefore dying with HP -- the game thinks you completed the current stage and will advance you to the next stage. This works in every stage with a life potion, including all the boss levels and the final boss. This glitch works in both the SMS and GG versions of the game.
I haven't done any runs yet, but this would result in an enormous time save and make the current WR time completely uncompetitive. I'm thinking we'll need any% and glitchess% categories for both the SMS and GG boards if anyone submits any runs with this glitch.
Here are videos showing the glitch in action.
Awesome find. I've been messing around with this in a TAS setting and have been able to skip every level apart from the round 2 levels (I suspect 2-3 is possible but yet to confirm). I thought 2-1 might have been possible but I can't grab the potion when dying since you need to duck to get it inside the wall.