Technique - Save Buffering
Technique - Save Buffering
Updated 2 years ago by Lane

[center][big]Save Buffering ----------------------------[/big][/center]

[section=Description] Save buffering is a method of cancelling triggers, including cutscenes, conversations and fights. When Quick Saving, you will notice there's a short fade-in from black after the game finishes saving. Triggers will not take effect during this fade in. By moving forward while Quick Saving, you can enter a trigger and delay it using the fade-in. You can then interrupt the trigger to cancel its effects.

[section=How To]

In order to save buffer, stand in front of a trigger and hold both mouse buttons down to run forward. Before reaching the trigger, press the Quick Save hotkey (by default, F4). As the screen fades in, Quick Save again. Repeat this until the fade-in effect no longer occurs; this means you have activated the trigger. Continue Quick Saving until you are ready, then finish the buffer by loading, as described below. If done correctly, you'll maintain control of your character and be able to continue normally.

A hard buffer is done by buffering into a trigger, then using Quick Load to load your final Quick Save before the cutscene begins. Depending on the cutscene, the window for successfully Quick Loading can be quite small. This method requires practice and good button mashing skills.

Consistent Hard Buffers

A more consistent way to do a hard buffer is to use Quick Saves to enter a trigger, then open the Options menu using the icon in the top right corner. You can then manually load the last Quick Save to cancel the trigger. This method has the same effect as a hard buffer and is more consistent, but is about a second slower each time.

(Video Pending)

It can be tricky to open the menu while moving your character, so it's recommended to buffer into the trigger, stop moving, then open the menu, all while still buffering.

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