Rejected WR Bot Run
3 years ago
United States

I just did a run and I've suspected for using a bot. How would I prove that I didn't. I can see why it is suspected, especially because of my stupid camera (it recorded 10FPS, it should've done 30). I worked really hard to get 29.255 WR. I was practicing doing my run, and I got WR time of 31.428 (something along the lines), but I wasn't recording (nor was I at home). I still had my old camera that is almost 10 years old on me, so I just used that. If I was at my house, I would've recorded using a much better camera. Then I recorded myself practicing, then I got the WR time of 29.255

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Rhône-Alpes, France

too bad

Edited by the author 3 years ago
zixuan3125 likes this
Virginia, USA

Hello from a moderator of the game.

If this is true, this is big news for the community. Congratulations on your world record!! Unfortunately, we cannot verify it quite yet - we get fake runs very often, and this would be no exception, but if you truly want a spot on our leaderboard, I highly recommend that you join our Discord server. You can stream yourself practicing or show us some of your high scores, but what we would really like is for you to share some of your tips and tricks with us so we can get better at the game. My personal best time is 1:28, and the fastest non-NKRO run I have ever seen is 1:00. To get a sub-30 second run, seemingly without NKRO, is beyond insane... it's absolutely incredible. It is almost too good to be true. Anyway, I hope you join our Discord server.

Pear likes this
United States

I don't have a discord, and I don't plan on getting it anytime soon. But I'd be willing to share some strats. This one took my a while to develop, because you gotta train your mind quick enough to fully register and understand most of the board at once. But 2048 isn't just strat, it's also 50% luck. This run was my best for sure, but it isn't the luckiest. I mean, if everything all lined up, I would have a way better time. Just compare my run to the current WR, my splits up to 1024 were all behind, only split I got faster was 2048. My run had so many flaws in it, like at 19 seconds there was the stupid 2 in the way. It's probably the biggest mistake of the whole run. Anyway, my strat was to try to have my biggest pieces all line up from right to left at the bottom row. But you need to be able to switch to any corner at any second, as I did in this run. I was lucky, because my best spots are the bottom corners. What I do is try to imagine the board after I do a move, but it goes too fast, so you gotta go with your gut. But when lining up pieces, it is best to lay it down on one side (up, down, left, right), and I've trained myself to do the bottom row. I'm not that good lining it up on the sides. It's a good practice, but it can get challenging. When you're working with <1min times, it gets kinda hard. You really need to focus and you can't get distracted. Another strategy is to just do what you do normally. If you beat the game, then try doing it faster. It sounds complex, but try to up your time, and learn from your mistakes. If you beat it in 5 minutes, try beating it in 4:30, or 4:50 if it's too hard. Then keep going lower and lower. 29.255 is my fastest, and I try to beat it, but this one's tough. I'm sure someone here will beat it before I do, and good luck. One more thing, use a good camera. Please don't make this mistake.

California, USA

Wait did you use NKRO for your sub 30 sec run?

California, USA

Bc I'm the holder for non NKRO at 60 sec flat and I can assure your its physically impossible to get sub 30 without NKRO

United States

First of all, congratulation on your run, and I am using a 6KRO keyboard for my run.

California, USA

Lol thx and ohhh Okay okay so that makes more sense my runs cant do NKRO or any rollover bc I'm on a school chromebook from quarentine lol but now that I know you use 6KRO, your run isn't impossible, it just seems odd that you can out of nowhere and got a record. I'm not saying your fake not at all, I'm just saying I can confirm that your submitted run is possible to do so you may be legit but in not a moderator lol, do you have your run on yt or sum?

United States

The video is on my youtube, but beware of the quality.

Virginia, USA

Hi, sorry for the late reply.

We are still not convinced of your run - it just looks too much like an AI and is way too consistent. Also, the frame rate is bad. Maybe this is just me, I haven't cleared this up with the other moderators, but it just looks too slow to be NKRO. And like Tennisman89 said there is no way you would be able to do this without NKRO. Also, you claim to be using a "camera", but your video seems to be a screen recording.

If you are telling the truth, we are going to look into this some more. This is a pretty big deal. Safe to say no one's gonna beat this any time soon. We do not want a potential cheater to take the top spot on the leaderboard but at the same time we don't want all the potential work you've done to go to waste. You have to join our Discord man. The evidence you have given is interesting but it is just not enough yet. You can create an account just for our Discord until we've cleared this up and then just never use it again.

Pear likes this
California, USA

Okay so I took a look at your run and I'll have to look more into it after a first glance

United States

Aighty McRighty. I meant to say screen recorder, but I didn't know what to call it. And this run is fake, I wanted to test the integrity of the speed running community and my video editing skills. This is actually just me playing normally and sped up. I had edited the working timer and I edited the splits on the side. I won't go into full detail on how I did it, because this action shouldn't be copied. I'll say the video is faked on Youtube, and overall good job. I purposely did low quality because the more frames I have, the more chances I'll get caught. If it would have made it to the leaderboard, I would have it taken down because it is faked. Again, good job. I won't fake a 2048 speed run again (and try to get it on leaderboard). I was gone for the weekend so I couldn't respond at first.

Virginia, USA

The thing about the 2048 community is that we'll embrace you no matter how bad you are. You just have to be honest about it. You cannot cheat, because we will catch you each and every time. It is good of you to come forward now and admit you were cheating, and we'll still allow you to submit runs as long as they're legit, but just note that you've highly damaged your chances of getting a top spot on the leaderboard in the future.

I have to say, though, you did a pretty good job at faking your run. I thought you were using some kind of macro to cheat but you actually played it yourself and sped it up. I was not expecting that. That's some pretty good editing skill right there.

Utah, USA

Keep in mind that submitting false runs is against site rules.

Pear likes this
United States

Yeah, sorry for wasting your guys time. But I think the editing was pretty good. Anyway, I won't submit anymore false runs. Plus, my PB is not that good, so you probably won't hear from me for a while.

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