6 years ago

If there was an app I imagine it would pretty much be exactly the same as the mobile version of the site so I don't think there would really be much point. Along with that, maintaining multiple versions of a mobile app (since there would have to be one for IOS and one for Android, and possibly a Windows app) as well as the site itself would be a lot of work, especially since there's only like 3 or 4 people with code access.

It might be cool and convenient, but realistically it just isn't worth the effort.

That said, the API is publicly available so there's nothing stopping someone else from creating an unofficial app if that's really desired or wanted.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
PizzaHydra, Pear, and blueYOSHI like this

Note that you can create a shortcut on the home screen on Android and iOS for easier access to the site


Consider using tabs if it's really that big a problem for you.

Imaproshaman likes this

that made no sense so i assume this account is a bot that had to necro this thread from 3 YEARS AGO

European Union

Why do bots always use real people in their profile picture?

Pear likes this
New York, USA

Probably because they think it looks normal, or at least it would for other sites

Pear and Merl_ like this

Of course, posting on forums isn't the best idea. As mentioned in your message, people have different hobbies and tend to look for the best apps to make money from their skills I've done some research as well and was surprised by the number of possibilities there are. You can get paid by doing anything, and for sure you find something you love doing. Now, I started reading books, and after each, I can post a small review and multiple companies pay you for that. I think this is amazing, especially for a student like me.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
United States

“bruh” it’s a bot