More Categories
9 years ago
United States

I feel like there should be individual categories for Domination, Assault, etc.

Naywyn likes this

Added a few :), might have to change their names in the future if it gets a bit confusing.

Naywyn likes this

I'll put both times on, it's cool that he took the effort to add up the IGT and it makes sense, I'd do it for my runs if I had the patience.

Naywyn likes this
Michigan, USA

I just submitted a DM run under godlike difficulty by mistake. I will edit what run it was. I was not paying attention to the actual run type when I submitted. Sorry but its the first one I have done and all.

Michigan, USA

I re submitted the run under DM for the category so feel free to reject the first run. Sorry about that


There seems to be some discrepancy between some runs of this game, i.e, Zen_Aku95's CTF run is of the non-GOTY ladder while mmsrhino's novice run is of the GOTY ladder. This is an issue that I suggest should be addressed by either creating separate leaderboards for each ladder of just add a tag to the current leaderboards.

If you're not aware of this, the GOTY version of the game added the maps DM-ArcaneTemple, DM-Malevolence, and replaced DM-Barricade by DM-Shrapnel][ in the Deathmatch ladder, and it added CTF-Hydro16 and CTF-Orbital to the CTF ladder. However, the GOTY ladder can be reverted back to the old ladder by editing the UnrealTournament.ini file. Also (don't quote me on this as I'm not entirely sure if this is the reason), if you play on a version older than 436 and/or don't have certain bonus packs some team you face on the ladders won't be the same as in GOTY.

For more info:


Well there's no point in playing on an older version is there? I suggest just allowing runs on the GOTY version, too messy adding another set of categories for all the categories which are already many.

EDIT: Actually this is weird cause I have the GOTY edition but I'm playing the vanilla campaign, and I don't have the line to change it to GOTY in my ini. Must have been cause I copied my ini from a vanilla version. I duno what we should do especially if there are bot changes in older versions it's a clusterfuck and time consuming to check out every run for these kind of things.

badoshk likes this
Friesland, Netherlands

Just accept runs. If they're on an older version, they're on an older version. No big deal.

No need to make separate categories for this unless demand is high, which is not the case because this game has like 3 runners.

Naywyn likes this
Czech Republic

Variables would solve this.


Yeah i also had the GOTY with GOTY ladders in my first 2 DM runs and my DOM run too i think. Although i formated my PC and installed the GOTY version and my last 2 runs didn't have GOTY ladders and my .ini 's was created after i installed GOTY so yeah it's a bit wierd

Friesland, Netherlands

If Freezard or Cyborg could add these variables. I am too unknowledgeable about this particular game myself to do it myself.

Ontario, Canada

About to submit a run for assault, kinda curious though. Do I need to use the ladder for a run or can I use a practice mod playlist (like for assault it would add one more map which is the training map). I honestly find that practice mod is easier because it doesn't require me to have a fresh run going in order to both practice times and to do runs (For the game type specific categories)


Can't you just use the mod to practice and the ladder campaign in real runs? I think the training map is in ladder too but you can skip it, so you shouldn't run the training map.

Friesland, Netherlands

So the run seems to be stuck in verification purgatory. Somebody say something or I will reject it despite not knowing shit about this game.

From what I've seen, the difference between practice and ladder: ladder: Menuing in between each level practice: Automatic level transition. IMO menuing is an important part about runs but idk about this category as it seems pretty arbitrary to me to begin with.

Ontario, Canada

Seems like it has to be done in ladder mode, would it be possible to add that to the rules so that there is no confusion on the matter. I do assume that you can just look at previous runs but it would be easier overall.

Friesland, Netherlands

I'll add it to the rules. (Why am I taking care of this, where are my co-moderators? BibleThump )

Naywyn likes this

Sorry for not addressing any of this earlier, haven't been around :(.

@Bassilisk The problem with the practice mode is that it's easily tweakable to make the bots very weak and behave differently that ladder bots (e.g. camp their spawnpoint, ignore bot-pathing). You can have a save file with all assault maps completed and just run them in order and we'll accept that. One way around this would be running the maps without bots in segmented runs, but I'm afraid the assault ones have pretty much been perfected for years by DaTeL: If you're ever interested in speedrunning custom assault maps there was an old thread in the UTAssault community forums you can check out, although most links are outdated:

@Jonte999770 The majority of people don't have the goty ladder by default, it has a lot to do with how you install the game / upgrade to version 436. If there's ever enough interest I can separate original ladder and goty ladder runs into different categories but considering the amount of runners atm it would make it a bit convoluted

S. likes this
Friesland, Netherlands

cyborg , as for the goty thing, maybe add a tag that can be added to runs, but keep them on the same board for now?


I added a new variable for it, although I tried to edit it's value for ork's DM run and it made his run invisible on the leaderboard, don't know why it happened so I revered it. This is set to NO as default but I'm unsure if I did it correctly, maybe a more competent mod can take a look at it whenever.

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