Rules Overhaul, Criticisms, and Suggestions
4 years ago

ok thanks for the warning

Edited by the author 4 years ago

I think that in Any% Glitchless Random Seed Mobile, they should separate the runs in the use or not of input methods, because it is much the advantage that provides you to play, for example, with an xbox one controller than with the touch screen of the mobile.

zt29 and Offrythem like this
European Union

We already discussed it and its been decided we are splitting by platform.


By platform? Even if it's unfair to match a game played on a keyboard with a play on the touch controls?

zt29, Offrythem, and Somebody like this
Galicia, Spain

I think that it´s a good idea.

EmiCh321 likes this
European Union

[quote=EmilianoCh321]By platform? Even if it's unfair to match a game played on a keyboard with a play on the touch controls?[/quote] Yes

DaTroll18 likes this

@EmilianoCh321 It's split by platform because there are some mobile exclusive glitches.

Sorry as I am not able to understand this thread, but are you saying if I connect a controller to the mobile device, it counts as mobile. Sorry again for the inconveniences I am creating.

EmiCh321 likes this
European Union

Yes thats what we're saying

New South Wales, Australia


  • No betas are allowed in IL's.

To explain, we don't want the risk of any more categories being broken. Betas are basically works in progress which means seeds can be drastically different compared to the full-release, and certain features could give an advantage. Here is a list of betas we won't be accepting in IL runs: - 68, - 54 & - most recent beta.

EDIT: from now on, cause we can't be bothered to go through all the existing runs and reject.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Quino, 1, and Khalooody like this
United States

Add golden apple to obtain item it has to be nonencahted because you can't get a "god apple" in ns

Bob-chicken, EmiCh321 and 2 others like this

i would run that cat if it gets added

Florida, USA

same here

WinstontheGamer likes this

Same!! And well, It could be either one, enchanted or not.

WinstontheGamer likes this

i will run this cat tomorrow (it's like 1 am in wales) and post times in the discord. it can be an unofficial cat until if and when the mods add it

European Union

We're not adding anymore obtain item ILs

United States

What about a new type of cat extension, maybe like a catergory where there is a datapack that allows for perfect piglin rng and blaze rng, stuff like that.


a cat like that would make the current full game cats pretty much irrelevant, as who would bother running a cat that just adds in random rng?

using a perfect luck data pack would be pepful to find theoretical fastest times, but will never get added as a separate cat most likely

United States

Wait why are you not adding anymore ILs, like do you have a reason

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Latest news
New proof rules for top level runs

Hello Runners.

We have a new rule for all platforms, for random seed runs.

After completing a Top Run (Top 5 Main Category/1st ILs), you must exit the world and go to the main menu.

For top Windows runners, you still have to do PowerShell verification.

For Ps4/Ps5, this rule

1 month ago