Combine categories for the Non-Peak races?
5 years ago
United States

I've noticed that for a lot of the non-Peak race runs such as Checkmark%, 100%, All Big Challenges, etc. there are only a few runs for each category yet they are broken into Console and emulator.

Is there a significant time difference or anything like that which would force the two different categories or could it make more sense to combine them to make the board look a bit more populated?

United States

Especially since Emulator and console are already combined for the Peak races (the most popular runs).

Virginia, USA

For runs like those (especially hundo and checkmark), it does make a difference. The load times between emulator and console are fairly significant, to the point where hundo loses about 6(-ish) minutes minutes by playing on console, since emulator is faster. For the peak races, load times are not a factor, so they can be combined.

United States


Yeah, Daggy talked me through that a few weeks ago. I think it would be cool to have a conversion table to be able to account for those differences and combine the categories but it's hard when the routes are different

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