Why did all the N64 IL times get removed?
4 years ago
London, England

I was checking the IL leaderboard and only the 1964 / Emu runs were there?

Tristalis likes this
Florida, USA

What's even going on right now lol

Tristalis and 84th like this

I thought the purpose of these IL boards are to loosely mirror The Elite rankings?

Edited by the author 4 years ago
London, England

yeah it is but most of the runs were on this website.

Alberta, Canada

These boards were basically never being updated, and the emulator guys needed somewhere to host their times for it. I am currently in the process of re adding essential n64 times such as all RTA times, and all WRs back. The runs ended up disappearing for some reason when I ended up creating categories but I'm more than ok with resubmitting stuff.

84th likes this
Alberta, Canada

If you check for any part of the leaderboard, there is still an N64 subcategory too. This leaderboard is emulating what the Perfect Dark leaderboards do as well (https://www.speedrun.com/perfect_dark/individual_levels)

84th likes this
London, England

oh ok thanks

West Midlands, England

i was wondering how this was so empty lul

so this is gonna be primarily for emus now? as i guess all the hardware guys dont update here

Alberta, Canada

Yeah basically, I talked to all of them about it and they agreed it wasn't being used very often. On top of all of that they also have the entirety of https://rankings.the-elite.net/ to use as it's streamlined to automatically accept runs and whatnot, so for the time being this will be home for emulator runs.

United Kingdom

[quote]The runs ended up disappearing for some reason when I ended up creating categories but I'm more than ok with resubmitting stuff.[/quote]

Usually this happens because the runs aren't assigned to any subcategory, so they don't show up but still exist as runs.

Good update IMO

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Alberta, Canada

Yeah I started noticing that, it's fine for the most part because I'm only putting back the RTA runs. ILs are too tedious and nonstop flowing to update, all of them can be found on the elite up to date anway.

United Kingdom

Some player accounts:

Marc Rützou: Marc David Clemens: Clemens Sakuya A: sakuya Joonas Kytö: Kyto

Alberta, Canada

oh shit thank you man! i was looking but apparently not hard enough lol

Alberta, Canada

oh thats not sakuya's account, he's a Japanese runner

United Kingdom

I thought the same, but he has this self-submitted run in Banjo-Tooie: https://www.speedrun.com/bt/run/8yvrg84z

I couldn't find anything else to suggest he's from/lives in Luxembourg though

Also Taylor v. is TPositive. Preferably should add the system to the [existing run] to avoid a duplicate.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
84th likes this
Alberta, Canada

yeah I see that now, thanks for all the help man :D super appreciated!

84th likes this