スレッド: World of Tanks

if i would merge them, then they would be merged for the old-tutorial too and that wouldnt be good since there it was crucial and i would like to keep the old board intact. I am hoping that someday the website will recieve an update allowing the subcategories to be set for certain categories only, but 'till then i will have to make compromises. I am not sure how to handle NA runs yet, but right now i think it would be the best to just submit all bootcamp-runs as EU/RUS/SEA run.

スレッド: World of Tanks

I am gonna add them as completely different categories, the subcategories are already a mess and i dont want to make them even more complicated.

スレッド: World of Tanks

its just klicking predetermined buttons and after most buttons there is a very very small loading time which can vary between users and is nearly impossible to time . So it would put people with slower pcs at an disadvantage while not really adding anything gameplay wise to the run and i really want to keep it fair for people with slower pcs.

TestNetwork これを好き
スレッド: Speedrunning

I only run games i bought or downloaded legit, since there is no telling if in the process of cracking some important files got changed in a way which may influence gameplay or timing. I know that in some cases cracked version ran faster/slower or even introduced new bugs.

スレッド: World of Tanks

Well.... I just took a look at the newest update and it looks like they removed the old tutorial and replaced it with the Bootcamp, since there isnt a way to play the old version as far as i know, i will have to move all current "Full game"-categorys into the misc. tab. it seems like no one will ever be able to speedrun them again :(

I am kinda busy right now irl so it will take some time to get familiar with the new bootcamp and to make some rules for timing etc. Feel free to speedrun it and send me links to the videos per Discord/Steam, i will time them and add them to the Leaderboard once i am finished setting it up.

If anyone knows a way to play the old tutorial please inform me.


To be exact you can use this to only run 2 Levels instead of 8, the first and the last, just tried that ^^ I think we should move the old any% runs to All Levels% and maybe update the autosplitter for a 2 Level any% :D

XerxesAsuras これを好き
スレッド: Mirror's Edge 2D

OK, the only full version i found is this one:" http://www.arcadeprehacks.com/game/15105/Mirrors-Edge-2D.html " but it seems to have a built-in cheat, which you can toggle on and off. I can make runs with the cheat turned off, but i would prefer just to run the standard version game. Can somoene pls give me a Link ? Or atleast confirm that i am allowed to run the version i found ?

スレッド: Mirror's Edge 2D

So far i have only found versions which contain the first level only, can somoene send me a link to the full version ?

スレッド: Speedrunning

From what i heard the game has a good story but terrible gameplay, quite the opposite if a speedrunner friendly game :/

スレッド: Speedrunning

Refunct (very many runners, 2-3min long,some tricks but nothing too hard, really fun and fluid movement,tricks + route can be learned in a couple hours) it's always monday (nearly no runners,2-3min long, route is learned in under 30min,tricks are really easy )

OdessaMama これを好き
スレッド: Moonlight

Just wait until he hasnt replied for a week and then post in the thread you mentioned.

スレッド: Moonlight

"Please keep in mind that using this thread is a last resort, in case the current moderators are not responding or refusing your help without justification. You should always start by asking the Super mods of a game/series as they are also able to add mods. Best way to contact game mods is probably through Twitter for now. Also try the game forums, many users get notifications when threads are created for games they follow.

Moderator inactivity doesn't apply until around 3 weeks, depending on other circumstances, and it is expected that you try to contact them (exceptions may be made if they have been offline ~3+ months.) " Did you try to contact the mod on twitter and twitch ?

スレッド: Speedrunning

"How can they be held accountable? " If a moderator abuses his power he can get his mod-status removed, temp or perma banned. "What are the standards of evidence required?" To reject a run you need to PROVE that it doesnt comply with the rules or is cheatet, some examples are listed in the Video you posted. Just thinking it MAY be cheated is not enough.

Since actions against the people in question havent been taken before on your first post, i dont think anything will change now and i advise you to keep this thread 100% factual/professional.

bluewiregaming これを好き
スレッド: Lemma

Thanks for the Reply, if you would continue and link the series that would be awesome ^^

スレッド: Lemma

This game looks interesting to run, but i couldnt find a tutorial for doing the tricks etc. Anyone knows if a Guide exists ?

スレッド: World of Tanks

Would anyone be interested in a Die% for the tutorial ? You can kill yourself by running into the tanks and possibly turn your tank on the head somewhere.

スレッド: The Site

welp, now you are just asking to get banned

YUMmy_Bacon5 これを好き

maybe you have some setting different. I remember that my ADblocker removed the follow button when i first visited the site, i dont remember what i did to change that though.

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