スレッド: Speedrunning

you should ask in the forum of that game, this is a general forum.

スレッド: The Site

ooooohhhhhhhh boy, greetings poeple i am the mod of the game Simian.Interface++. @ThePokemonkey Messaged me an hour ago on youtube and requested mod-status, you can see a screenshot here:https://imgur.com/a/wtog7 or see my full reply here: in case he removes his comment. I replied in under an hour, even before he posted here. So you can see that i did indeed reply to him, all the other reasons why he shouldnt be made a mod are in my answer to him. Now that i know his username here i also see that he has been on this site for 4 days, doesnt really change my mind.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Aureus_Lunae, そして NihilistComedyHour これを好き
スレッド: Talk

@Prondox y u post in all these dead threads ?

Zachoholic そして HowDenKing これを好き
スレッド: World of Tanks

turns out they patched the old tutorial back in again, so yay the old categories can be run again

スレッド: The Site

@ItsMaximum Gy009 was online 6days ago so not technically inactive, tried talking to him yet ?

YUMmy_Bacon5 これを好き
スレッド: Critical Ops

Not having rules always discourages new players, also rules should be mandatory and not something to "worry" about.

スレッド: Critical Ops

You should really put up some rules.

スレッド: The Site

@Sacred_Lotus-iOS The Mod for the game is active, ask him. This is a last resort Thread. You should add some means of contacting you to your profile by the way.

YUMmy_Bacon5 これを好き

Nice glitch :D sadly i dont see any use for it, it just takes so much time with just a little reward :/

スレッド: The Site

@Weather368 Contact the mods of the game, there are a lot of modsfor this game and most seem active. This is a last resort thread.

YUMmy_Bacon5 これを好き
スレッド: Speedrunning

Jup there has been atleast one WR that i know of during gdq, shouldnt be hard to find.

スレッド: Speedrunning

yea, like when you try to train for a difficult jump and you repeat it until you finally understand how to pull it off.

スレッド: Speedrunning

I dont know this game but the "normal" way to find out what is causing, is to trigger it many times and the look for the similaritys. Maybe its because the fat blue guy is blocking the way when clicking on the log and then he gets into the glitched state of "being where i need to be", but as i said i dunno anything about this game.

スレッド: Mirror's Edge 2D

AHA! my browser blocked the flashplayer on the site and thats why it never showed me the game, pretty strange considering my browser doenst block the flash player on any other site -_-

スレッド: Mirror's Edge 2D

i will set some timing rules and retime all submitted full-runs

スレッド: Mirror's Edge 2D

I am assuming you mean thats how in-game time is timed since thats the shortest time. I looked at his run and roughly timed about 3:21 instead of the 3:05 so that doesnt make any sense, for the second place i got 3:10(could be the 3:07 he claimed since his video makes it nearly impossible to time it) and for the 3rd place i got 7:20 which is far away from the time of 8:30 the runs is submited at, but could be close to the real time timer. Soooo your statement didnt clear up anything,or even answered to the other points i made, since if that are really the rules then all runs are timed false and the second place would be first place and the other way around. This Leaderboard needs to be retimed ASAP since none of the runs seem to have the right time asigned and the wrong person holds the WR, i am seriusly shocked that none of the 4 mods did notice that the wrong person holds the WR, do you guys even look at the runs you recieve for verification and time?

スレッド: Mirror's Edge 2D

i have no idea how to time a full run all level run, so tried to look at the leaderboards and got even more confused. 2nd Place is submitted as 3min 7s, which is the the same time shown ingame. 1st place is submitted as 3min 5sec, but the video shows an ingame time of 3min 14sec which is slower than the second place ??? looking at the 3rd place also didnt help since that run is submitted as a slower ingame than real time, which doesnt make sense at all. So how is the timing supposed to work? it seems like you cant just take the time the game shows you, since the WR-run does it different, but on the other hand second place just takes the time shown by the game. Can somoene please explain this to me ?

スレッド: Mirror's Edge 2D

that whats the site looks like to me,i cant seem to find it :/ http://imgur.com/jCaqHem

スレッド: World of Tanks

i am currently working on setting one up myself, so we dont have to spam this forum so much and to allow for some fast reacting casual conversation ^^ I will put an invitation link under resources as soon as i am done setting up the Roles etc.

Edit: I added the Discord invitation link to resources

スレッド: World of Tanks

good idea, i will do that. edit: done, i also merged all Consoles under the Console sub-Categorie

Yocko これを好き
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