11 months ago

What are opinions on the boost mechanic that allows you to still boost when you are out of energy? It is required for Golden Fox and other machines on some tracks, but it feels horrendous. It is so much about having the right timing before the pit area. And a slight touch with the walls means you will lose a bit of energy changing the timing completely as your boost will expire at a different time. Sometimes you expect to get a boost going into turn but don't get it making you turn too early hitting the wall. And I don't understand why you sometimes don't die when hitting the wall after you depleted your bar. Do you get a small amount of energy when you just boosted?

asshole likes this
United States

I don't like it and it's definitely damaging my ulnar nerve, but of course, that's my own choice and fault.

If Nintendo patches it out, i'd be happy. I don't think there would be much success in banning it in a formal way from use in speedrunning.