Nice run - I` ve beaten the wr time, but i dont have a video proof, so i cant submit a run
5 years ago
Dolnośląskie, Poland

So i ll just leave stats here.

Once i ll get a good pc, this wr will be mine

Dolnośląskie, Poland

Btw, found nice glitch. Saves around 5 sec and is not hard to do. Not used in the run. Basically cutscene skip

Oklahoma, USA

sounds pretty interesting! let us know more about it when you get the chance. sadly the best i can do for this record is give it a place in the forums. which is totally ok with me.

hopefully, you can find a decent computer to use! ^_^

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Dolnośląskie, Poland

So the cutscene skip.. If i m correct then button are messed up... in a pretty funny way. (Disclaimer: It is what i think it is, it can be nowhere near how it is done). So, yeah. I think that buttons are done in a way that there are two hitboxes overlapped, one for button animation and some minor things, and second for activating doors, "cutscenes" etc. There are two catches to this (un)fortunately. First is that those hitboxes dont cover exactly the same area, this for button is slightly larger, found it way ago when i pressed a button (and it was definetly pressed, because it was in the ground now) and the door didnt open (had to return and stant in where the button was). And a second catch is that one of this minor things is destroying blocks. I have met this two times, one in the level with the high walljumping section, near the middle of the level there is a button that if you press correctly it can destroy blocks to the "hub", but doesnt open the door. The second and much more important is the last button, in the boss level. We can press it in such way, so we destroy the blocks in the 1st level, but dont trigger the cutscene showing this. This theoretically doesnt save time (becuse another funny thing: we have the control over the character when the camera zooms out), but in practice it can save around 3-5 sec and doesnt cost much time to try. I have yet to test how do they overlap and how this work, but this is what i think..

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