How to Split for Load Times in Livesplit
6 years ago
Ohio, USA

Heya, so I'm playing this on 360 and use Livesplit for my times. I've already started running patrol and traffic desks, but with the insanely long load times on 360 it's putting my time at around 29 minutes when without loads I know it's way less.

I was wondering if anyone has any tips for how to set splits to not count the load times for 360, or if they would be modified after sending in my run. Having to stop the timer every time it loads is gonna be annoying, so I'm seeing if there's a way around it. Thanks!


The no loads timer only works for the Steam version of the game and for console there is no real solution to this, so just time it RTA and we'll manually time out loads. It's not gonna be perfect, but it'll be much less of a hassle than pausing and unpausing the timer.

For a full game run on 360 I'm gonna estimate you'll have about 40 min of loads compared to the ~14 on PC with an SSD.

Ohio, USA

That's super helpful I appreciate it man. I do runs mostly for entertainment but would still like to have a decent time in the end. Thanks again

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