Full Game Leaderboards - Discussion
1 year ago

Hi guys,

I'm thinking about organizing the full game leaderboard slightly differently. Maybe tell me what you think about this, current WR's would be backed up then resubmitted ofc.

Instead of having EASY/MEDIUM/HARD/CRASH as main categories. I'd rather go for :

16 Retail Tracks Championship 16 Gold Tracks Championship

And maybe leave room for future

4 Extra Tracks Championship 7 OEM Tracks Championship

With some variables for each categories.

  • EASY/MEDIUM/HARD/CRASH And why not a variable for a classic driving category, without checkpoint exploit/abuse.

Let me know what you think about this.

grnts, Chieppe, and Splaysh like this
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Coming straight from community, @DomiraeSSB has joined the moderation team this month. He's actively digging out old datas on the game. He's come with many propositions concerning the layout and content of the page.

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