Emu & IGT Talk
6 years ago
Western Australia, Australia

The talking is in the works to add IGT in, but maybe its time to reconsider after 2 years to remove Emulator times, which yes includes my WR time essentially this would kill half of the leaderboards but atleast its on more legal and fair grounds since setting up the emu can be a pain to get optimal loads and emu is far faster than any other console, really hate the idea of returning but I see there is a small group of passionate people here and dont want to spoil there fun by having unbalanced leaderboards

Florida, USA

so on this note would homebrew sd/usb wii iso loading be banned also? not sure how load times compare when using nintendont/dios mios to dolphin

Pennsylvania, USA

I tested the load times and I imagine they would be banned as they are faster

Norfolk, England
Super moderatorzoton2
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
6 years ago

I came back to look at the situation here (oh yeah I'm a mod too maybe I should care) because I considered running this again (maybe just for the meme, but I'd like I fairly timed meme so).

I think the best way would be to do time without loads. Of course because there's no real good way to auto-remove loads, it would have to be done manually. But for the Mission Mode this is 10(?) loads (EDIT: I realised it's more like 20, one for to the menu and one for back to gameplay), and maybe for your console they will be consistent, so you would have to just time them once and then you can work out your final time easily every other time. This would mean you could run on any console and could compare easily.

If my above idea is good, I dunno if that would mean we can keep emulators. The obvious one people use is Dolphin, and the only issue otherwise besides loads is accuracy, and Dolphin seemed accurate when I was playing with it.

Also if we did that above idea, I wouldn't mind allowing playing from a HDD or similar (can be done on all the consoles but it's something people like to do on the Wii/GCN) because, like Hit & Run, it just makes your attempts faster, and with load removal it doesn't really matter. Good god I feel for people trying to grind attempts on the PS2 version.

Also completely off topic but I checked a few runs and some people seem to run with a memory card inserted. I am pretty sure it's faster to remove it because the autosave takes a few seconds after every mission ;)

EDIT: I did a couple of runs on my XBOX version installed to the HDD and then did some ghetto timing after and loads mostly seemed consistent, although like I said it wasn't frame perfect timing. It was 3:12 or so of loads.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

The only problem with in-game time is that the timer is in increments of 1. So if the run ever gets to the point where it's competitive there would be many ties even if someone is technically faster

Massachusetts, USA

IGT would be more fair in my opinion due to that one poor soul who did PS2 and had 20 second loading times or something close to that. If you even wanted, you could split emu from console so emu times would still be up and consoles won’t be upset.

To protoman’s concern, there won’t ever be a community too big to really care if the times get tied and it’s a problem. Ig it’ll be another goldeneye thing lol.

One thing I also have (I’ll be honest) is that if you do ban emu’s completely, then the Xbox 360 would also have to be banned due to faster loading times. On OG Xbox it’s roughly about 12-13 seconds versus 10 on 360 and I used 360 for my runs so ig my runs would be killed to.

That’s my opinion but the community is really dead so I don’t think anyone cares. Also congrats crtltab (sorry if I butchered your name) on 3rd! I’d be running but I recently got thrown out my house and figuring everything out.

Hope everyone has a good day!

    Small Vans
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