Most World Records By Player
4 years ago
New Zealand

This is a forum to show how many WR each person has. This forum will be updated every 3 Months.

Microsoft Access File (Where all the records are stored)

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Machs2Point0, Gooobzzzzz and 11 others like this
South Yorkshire, England

I finally got my first record, please add me now when you have a chance

Shothead likes this
New Zealand

@Nick1227 Ill add it in at the start of February

Nick1227 likes this
Calgary, AB, Canada

What does the +1 beside my name mean?

Shothead likes this
São Paulo, Brazil

Buddy, its mean from the last update to now, you got one more WR and, i think you got a upper ranking

Shothead likes this
New Zealand

@Uboa_br spot on mate you get it

QueijoExpirado likes this
Calgary, AB, Canada

Ok and Thanks for making this leaderboard

South Yorkshire, England

Shothead why is there -4 next to your name? Did your WR runs become obsolete, what makes a run obsolete?

Shothead and QueijoExpirado like this
São Paulo, Brazil

Nick, a obsolet run is when you beat your own record in any category. It's like a "archive".

Shothead likes this
South Yorkshire, England

I’m still confused, can’t whole categories become obsolete, I think my run was rejected once because of it

Shothead likes this

Why did I vanish from this leaderboard?

Shothead likes this
New Zealand

@szymmirr apologies I've added you back in now I must of removed you while editing the forum and forgot to add you back in apologies once again

New York, USA

When does this update again? Like how often aswell?

He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

beginning of every month

New York, USA

@zir0nic I have 20 records

New Zealand

@GC_Goobz you have 18 Records. Fire Marksman doesn't count and you have 2 7x7's Ill remove one of them now

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Phoenix, AZ, USA

curious to see what changed in a month :)


@Shothead Are you planning to update this?

ERDarky likes this
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Deletion of old photo proof runs for Main Categories

Hello everyone,

Over the past couple days, the mods have been discussing the current state of the leaderboards, mainly classic mode and arcade mode.

For a while, we have had a grandfather clause when it comes to runs with photo proof runs on the site. However, recently we have came to questio

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