Do you need video evidence?
1 year ago

The rules only state you need to play on practice mode. Do you need to show the whole run, or just the last 30 seconds with the switch's video recording, or is a screenshot of your lap times enough?

grnts likes this
United States

i am also curious about this

New York City, NY, USA

The whole run is required.

Baden-Württemberg, Germany

i uploaded a 30sec switch video yesterday and it was accepted so no the whole run is not required!

Victoria, Australia

Moderators should clear this up. It proabably should be full run for later in its life to stop a cheated WR.

Pennsylvania, USA

I agree, full run should be required


So far we've verified runs with pictures or just the last 30 seconds. There's not really been any discussion among the mods about this as far as I know, but personally I've been okay with it just to get people to submit their times and get involved with the new game and the community in a quick way. I'd agree though that for top times and especially WRs, a recording of the full run should be mandatory (and preferably not through a potato).

Curious to hear the other mods' opinions.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
VermontTheSeagull and grnts like this
United States

I agree with Yazzo. Most of the records we're seeing now won't last long anyway. They're there just to get the ball rolling, and not everyone has a capture card.

For the future, when the board gets more populated: I don't think it really matters to show a full run if you're, say, in 10th place and moved up to 8th. The last lap would do, in my opinion.

If you're going to be submitting a run that puts you in the top 3 positions, however, then yeah, full recording.

Edited by the author 11 months ago
VermontTheSeagull, chiji, and grnts like this
He/Him, They/Them
11 months ago

But Lets Be Real asshole, cant you just put the capture of your time instead of doing a video if you are in last-4th place but if the run is in top 3 runs video proof of the whole video is absolutly required.


World records need a full run video. It's frustrating when they don't show it, making it hard to learn their strategies, giving them an unfair advantage. If you are dedicated enough to get WRs, spending 50 bucks on a capture card should be a minor expense.