discussione: Donkey Kong (NES)
Polandhirexen3 years ago

Added. There was no reason, besides no one using 3DS until now, so there was no request for it.

SuperGamer64 piace questo
discussione: Donkey Kong 3
Polandhirexen3 years ago

Sorry, that this post was missed. Unfortunately, for now there is no feature on srcom to have information about new posts on forums, where you are mod, so it can be sometimes overlooked and gone among a lot of other info about runs. In any case, if someone stumbles upon this post, Mesen is ofc allowed, just missing from this list, but as stated in rules itself, most of others emulators are banned, but it doesn't mean all of them, so if you are uncertain, then it's best to ask. Soon, I will try to provide more thorough list of emulators.

discussione: Donkey Kong 3
Polandhirexen3 years ago

Generally, this is exactly the same kind of question, which was asked in Donkey Kong Jr forum, so I will just redirect you there, what I think about it personally: . To conclude that, I'm not fan of it, but I see reason, why it could appear as additional category, but even if it appears at some point, then rather not long goal as 250k or 500k. This is more of arcade than NES approach to have huge arbitrary score attacks and it's just nature of this game, that it's short.

discussione: Donkey Kong 3
Polandhirexen3 years ago

Unfortunately, I don'thave any special tips besdies trying to develop some visual cues. It's frame perfect trick (you have to die at the same frame as final hit on Kong occurs), so it's not easy to time it.

discussione: Contra
Polandhirexen3 years ago

No problem. Online emulator coop runs are allowed.

beljn piace questo
Polandhirexen3 years ago

Personally, I'm usually against adding arbitrary categories to the main leaderboard of a game, even as miscellaneous. By arbitrary, I mean that, you cannot assess goal of category, from how the game is constructed. Exceptions are, when some high score is set by default (like e.g. in Wrecking Crew) or when, it's not so obvious, where game loops (for instance in Galaga). In case of DK Jr default high score is 0 (so we would need to think just about some random score to reach) and game naturally loops after 4 levels, which is clearly noticable. However, this game is a port of arcade version, so I can see, that it can be natural here to be focused on score like in many arcade games. In conclusion, I'm still rather reluctant to implement that idea, but not completely against it in the future , if there is enough interest in community.

Polandhirexen3 years ago

There are many games, where versions are slightly different from each other (japanese DT2 or CnD2 for instance), so just the faster one is used without splitting leaderboards, since gameplay is mostly the same. Here, I think we have similar situation. Although, it's quite significant skip, besides that, gamplay is the same. Additionally, it is hard to recognize, which version is used PRG1 or PRG0/japanese, since there are barerly distinguishable by slight differences (a little different shade of vines in last level or fruits , when they are falling, which again is hardly noticable with different color palettes) and someone can utilize e.g. PRG0 , but just don't go for the skip. So, keeping the same leaderboard, but also adding, which version is used as a new option, seems like a fair way, however due to mentioned problem in recognizing, it's quite challenging.

Besides, @JackTheHack, I know you earlier from submitting cheated (even not your own) runs to DK leaderboard as WR and 2 days ago you submitted random cheated runs to DK boards as well, which was definitely done on purpose with the knowledge of rules (one was spliced between stages and other plainly used save state to go back after death). I'm on the verge of reporting you.

Lojen e JAje ti piace questo
Polandhirexen3 years ago

No point in adding individual levels for short RNG dependent NES game without level selection option.

Lojen piace questo
discussione: Balloon Fight (NES)
Polandhirexen3 years ago

Exactly, almost no one should have any doubts regarding run, if reset is added and most of moderators are fine even, if reset is not visible (especially if run is average). Different story is, if you get insanely good run out of nowhere as mostly unknown runner. Then you can be asked to provide more evidence like recording of whole session, when run happened etc, but it's fine with this category, where it's very possible to get times around WR quite fast. Keeping Rank 1 as category can be seen as being a little nitpicking for sure :D but it's less about naming and more about last reason I mentioned, that is keeping resets between attempts. If top score was kept after soft reset and going back to default only after hard reset, then I would probably change it, since it would force everyone to do hard reset everytime.

Paszq piace questo
discussione: Balloon Fight (NES)
Polandhirexen3 years ago

I see a problem, that you get rank 1 by getting top score, so if you beat top score and don't reset, it stays and you need to get higher score in order to reach highest rank. However, I would keep category the way it is now. Firstly, since it's more meaningful to reach top rank/score, than just 25K. Some games clearly even have category "Top Score" like Wrecking Crew. Secondly, because, as mentioned, it is recommended for most of NES speedruns to do a reset before every attempt and it can easily get in your habit after speedrunning few games for some time. In most of the NES games, it is even much faster to reset, than wait for 'game over' and this is rare case, when those two approaches are about the same speed depending how you reset. Many moderators would demand you to show at least that reset, if they were not certain it was used (especially for top times). Additionally, that solves unnecessary issue of showing whole video, since last reset/power on. Requirement about 1 test run before actual one could even add a little better proof, but it doesn't give much better view, if it's only 'game over' between those runs instead of a reset. Showing just last few seconds before reset is enough and widely approved ( since then most of the values programmed in game are resetted to its default, which is not true in case of 'game over'). With it , you have better certainty, that everyone has equal chances to get good RNG, when run starts.

discussione: Balloon Fight (NES)
Polandhirexen3 years ago

As mentioned in rules "Timer ends, when the screen shows rank 1" , so for this category it matters , when you reach rank 1 (first frame when it appears on screen), not top score. However, it is general rule for most of NES leaderboards (with few not nice exceptions, where top runs start from save state, which I don't agree with) to start every new run from reset or power on, since every action from reset or power on may (unwillingly) influence RNG. I would accept run starting from 'game over' from previous attempt instead of reset, however in that case video would need to include everything from last reset instead of just only part from 'game over' (due to e.g. mentioned possible RNG manips), so it is recommended to always reset before new attempt. As for fractions of second, world record was separated by at least full second till now and rank 1 category isn't too popular, so I was not thinking too much about adding them. However, it can be done for times let's say below 0:50 .

Polandhirexen3 years ago

Yes, it's valid and actually there is already one run in coop category done in that way ( ) . However, there is no separate category for this kind of run, if that was your question. Personally, I'm not up to adding this kind of category to the main board, since it wouldn't add anything beneficial to the run compared to actual any% coop or any% (it is just longer and more tiring way of beating it). However, I'm not completely against it, if there was enough interest in community (in that case, probably, it would be more fitting to create for it additional board called "CnD category extension" , as it is done already for e.g. Contra)

Liqquify piace questo
discussione: Donkey Kong (NES)
Polandhirexen3 years ago

As already responded, timer is not required and recording with your phone is acceptable. Apart from that, it is preferable that you have game audio, but run can be verified even without game audio, if some unexpected/unwanted reason occured (e.g. audio crashing in your recording software). Most significant is having whole game screen captured properly during whole run without it being obscured, since that's the ground for rejecting run, if it's not possible to fully see what's going on in game during PB attempt. Additionally, it is recommended to read the rules (especially if you are going to use emulator to see what is advised, what emualtors are banned etc.)

JackTheHack e Lojen ti piace questo
discussione: Contra
Polandhirexen3 years ago

It's ok, I just removed milisecods from your submission, so your PB is now 10:58. As stated in rules, miliseconds are used only for times below 10 minutes.

discussione: DuckTales (NES)
Polandhirexen3 years ago

I cannot speak for all NES boards, but here, it's definitely accepted. It's very accurate and additioanlly, it's "hardware emulation", so you don't even have to check "emulator" box while submitting, which concerns "software emulation".

discussione: Contra
Polandhirexen3 years ago

There is no need to utilize camera, it's just nice additional feature. I don't use it myself either.

discussione: Contra
Polandhirexen3 years ago

Keyboard is allowed in the same category.

archycoffee piace questo
discussione: Donkey Kong (NES)
Polandhirexen3 years ago

Exactly, it's quite clear in rules. This list includes only popular emulators, so it doesn't mean immediatelly that some other less known will be banned, but there is quite high chance for that. Also, I updated rules with Mesen.

dlloyd10 piace questo
Polandhirexen3 years ago

Yes, same answer as in case of Chip n Dale.

Polandhirexen3 years ago

Those categories are called here that way since I can recall and I suppose it was done that way on purpose to encourage more people to attempt category with 2 controllers, which relays much less on RNG. Name "Any%" indicates, that game should be beaten the fastest way possible using any means possible, not necessarly being main and most popular category (first Mega Man or SMB3 are good examples). Depending on the board, those means can or can't include utilizing second controller even, if it's faster (for instance DuckTales board calls it "Any% 1p2c", but in The Legend of Zelda "Any%" includes using up+A on second controller and main category is called "Any% No Up+A" forbidding using second one). I assume on some boards, which you relate to, "1p2c" isn't faster than "Any%", that's why it's not called simply that way. Taking that into account, personally, I would lean more towards leaving current naming, cause of historical and pure logical meaning of true "Any%" (for similar historical reasons, main DuckTales category wasn't renamed to not touch the legacy). However, in the end, it's just the category name and boards on this site should belong to the community in first place with moderators taking care of keeping it with common sense and in fair way, so if most of the community is up for altering those names, I don't see a big issue with doing so.

Lucha_Gym piace questo
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