New here, have a question!
5 years ago

Hi guys, i start watch and try speedrun like 2 months ago and now i want try to compete. Can i just use OBS for record? Or can i use other program like nvidia? Thanks in advance!!


You can use any program to record your runs as long as it can record full, uninterrupted video in a watchable quality. Most people use OBS.

RENKiL likes this

my recommendation would be obs, but like shiken stated you can use any recording software as long as the recording does not get interrupted a good idea would be to stream it so youre not clogging up your harddrive with hours of footage at once, then on twitch or youtube you can highlight your run if you happen to get a pb

if you strictly are only doing video recording i would recommend recording at the original resolution the game is meant to be displayed or record no higher than 720p to one again prevent your computer from having hours and gigabytes full of recorded footage that goes unused.

RENKiL likes this
Chiang Mai, Thailand

i use mobile phone... and send to PC

Edited by the author 5 years ago
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