Platform Requests / Tagging games to be part of a series / Adjusting game type or game title
5 years ago

Hello, I want to request removing the type "Webgame" to the following games:

  1. Run 2
  2. This Is The Only Level
  3. This Is The Only Level TOO
  4. This Is The Only Level 3
  5. This Is The Only Level 4
  6. Hungry Pumkin
  7. 0error0
  8. asciivania
  9. Asteroids Revenge III - Crash to Survive
  10. Focus
  11. Hexiom

Due to recent changes I think it's intended in a different way like "unofficial releases" and so to uniformize with the other games and series that doesn't have the Webgame type. Web platform is the only thing those games need.



Could be made a category extension of please?

Thank you!



Can be set as the category extension of please ?



@ruse_sr Tech handled this.

@Vakala Done.

Vakala likes this

I was asked to elaborate here on why Stadia should be added as a platform. I would like to think I understand some of the staff's reservations, but I don't know what specifically is holding y'all back from adding a tag for a new platform, so I can only guess as to what they are in trying to address those reservations.

  1. There are Stadia-exclusive games, one of which is out now.
  2. There are Stadia-exclusive features for multiplatform games that currently exist, (such as picture-in-picture squad screenview, as one vivid example).
  3. Just as there are differences between a PC and a console versions of a game (load times, control methods, game versions, performance differences, mod-ability, etc), so too are there differences for all these aspects between Stadia as a platform and other competing platforms like PC and current/next gen consoles. Stadia is not just remote PC play.
  4. In addition to the launch lineup that includes 23 games that have pages here on SRC, it has been included in several of the latest multiplatform game announcements (for instance, today's announcement of Doom Eternal launch date has PC, XBO, PS4 and Stadia featured prominently on the date splash screen).

I can see why something such as OnLive would not have been added to the site because OnLive was running the PC version of a game that you could only play from a PC. Similarly, I can see why xCloud would not be added as a platform here because it is running on xbox hardware, (albeit remotely, and only with an xbox controller on an Android phone.)

Stadia is a weird hybrid between console and PC. It runs on a PC but it uses a closed system. It picks and chooses features that are from PC or console. The game versions are ported to Stadia, they aren't just switched over as copies of the PC versions of games. The options in a game's menu are different, the versions are different, the button prompts are Stadia-specific (if you're using a controller).

"Why is it necessary to add this platform?" Because there are games being speedrun today on Stadia that can't accurately be displayed here, and the only current workaround is to mislabel the platform in a run or game submission.

I can only guess that PS5 and XSX probably won't need to be vetted as platforms, and for the same reason you want to vet Stadia more carefully given that it does not have the track record or reputation, being a newcomer. So I think I understand why you would be particular.

I don't suppose the argument that "SRC tracks other less worthy platforms" is valid because like with game submissions, standards change, so while my other points stand independent of this, I do mention it now in passing.

So yeah here I am coming across as a shill just to suggest the site add a big new platform. But to summarize, basically it's its own thing, not just a way to play PC. SRC should track Stadia games and it should track versions of popular speedgames that do exist and will exist on the platform. This is because the software is ported and therefore changed, not just migrated over exactly as is from whatever the lead development platform was. (And for some games, Stadia -is- the lead development platform.)

Edited by the author 4 years ago

Hi guys, me again. Hope you all are doing well! Just wanted to add this game as a Super Mario World romhack.


Pays de la Loire, France

@Alex_X8 Done.

6oliath and Alex_B like this
Michigan, USA

We went ahead and made category extensions for the other 2D Mortal Kombat games. is a category extension of is a category extension of is a category extension of

Appreciate it guys!

New Zealand

Can "The Talos Principle Custom Maps" be set to be a "Server/Map" of "The Talos Principle": And can "The Talos Principle Category Extensions" also have it's base game set to "The Talos Principle" (It's already a category extension):

Also, not sure if it's been reported yet, but the link to this thread by the base game box still points to the old, locked thread.

Pays de la Loire, France

@apple1417 Done and pointed Pac about it.

6oliath and apple1417 like this

@apple1417 Fixed! Thanks for the heads up.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 and 6 others like this

could be moved to

there are other agent hugo games in there too

Seydie likes this
Texas, USA

Would it be possible to get get "Arcade1up" added as a console selection. These are the new mini arcades.

Also wanted to request new regions for selections. Can we get "World" and "Oceania" as options?

United States

Wrong thread. @Flynntendo

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Pays de la Loire, France

@juh0 Handled.

6oliath likes this

Hello, I want to request removing the gametype "Webgame" to the following games I mod:

  1. Run 2
  2. This Is The Only Level
  3. This Is The Only Level TOO
  4. This Is The Only Level 3
  5. This Is The Only Level 4
  6. Hungry Pumkin
  7. 0error0
  8. asciivania
  9. Asteroids Revenge III - Crash to Survive
  10. Focus
  11. Hexiom

This is for consistency between the games / series I mod, people in those communities have been asking why some games in a series are Webgame and others are not and so do I. Please give me an answer, Thanks.

6oliath likes this
Greater Manchester, England

Hi there, I'm a moderator for the Colin McRae Rally series and we have created a page for our multi-game run called The McRae Pentalogy (5 of the first Colin McRae Games ran in order) and I'd like it to be a Multi-Game for it's category extension please?

Here's the link to the page itself: Many Thanks

  • Thebpg13
Aberdeen, Scotland


Can these 2 games in the Need for Speed series have the "Mobile" Tag applied to them?
