Add on to the sentence
3 years ago
Iowa, USA

the sentence so far:

I no like sand. Yeah. But I eat guavas hourly. Why do thermonuclear @RaggedDan groundhogs bacon Amongus ded? Henceforth, I don't eat my toes. Yeah urgies are pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis floccinaucinihilipilification 🇹🇫. @Pear is the European Union's favorite fruit to juggle. Agreed. Last yesterday's top person died of death. Sometimes television explodes in Guatemala because Merl_ is hurting his @Pear. Candy Ukraine is mythological and tasty I Ate Nebraska. Florida. And You the Money bag and Ur mom kinda phoned Ur dad How? Yanagisawa why do because of COVID Except. Burn Kappa don't kiss me or you will Eat Guatemala. Therefore, death. The Uggh. I didn't hate CL because antidisestablishmentarianism is my friend they're nice. @Delekates says no Turkish stuff inside good try.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 and 4 others like this

Can someone remind me what is the point of this?

Gaming_64 likes this

when was there a point to anything in the talk forums

Gaming_64, Goodland and 9 others like this
United States


Gaming_64, MinecraftGaming and 2 others like this
Glamorganshire, Wales

don't suppose any of you want to move to Dubai?

Gaming_64, Pear and 2 others like this
He/Him, She/Her
3 years ago


Gaming_64, TrenttheN642, and Merl_ like this
United States

yeah this is gonna become another "don't break the chain" and "What if someone kept bumping their own thread?" thread

Gaming_64 and Act_ like this
United States

No please

United States

Does that mean I can use this thread to boost forum posts? Kappa

Gaming_64 and Kkntucara like this
United States


Edited by the author 3 years ago
Gaming_64, MinecraftGaming and 3 others like this


Gaming_64 likes this
Iowa, USA


YUMmy_Bacon5 and Gaming_64 like this


Gaming_64 likes this