Run of the Week Challenge! WEEK 2
3 months ago
Virginia, USA

I would like to thank all of you for competing in last week's Run of the Week Challenge, where a specific car and track is selected for the event and you get one week to set your best possible time. This marks week two of this challenge so we have a new car/track combo to introduce. And a quick reminder: ALL ARE WELCOME TO PARTICIPATE!


  • Runs must be submitted to this thread with a screenshot (videos are also welcome) showing the finishing time and car. An example can be shown here (car can be visibly seen along with the time):
  • Runs must be submitted before Friday, March 1st at 11:59PM EST
  • And of course all runs must use the car and track combo specified

This week’s challenge will be Mist Mountain (Time Trial) using Overboard 454. This track's gonna be a bit trickier than the last so just remember you have a week to submit! Good luck and have fun!

Washington, USA

this car is actually pretty decent for this track. not bad for my first attempt

Edited by the author 3 months ago
DrewPBalls likes this
California, USA

Quick first attempt, lap 1 was kinda slow, this car can't keep consistent boost speeds so it loses time throughout the entire track as opposed to Golden Arrow

DrewPBalls likes this
Virginia, USA

The car really doesn't like getting perfect landings. As Bacun said the inconsistent boost speeds cause a lot of issues and it's compounded by how sensitive the car is when shuffling. Bit tricky but I was able to pull this out of my ass. Might go for a sub 50 later if I find the time. Great runs so far!

Santa Catarina, Brazil

This nugget does not like to stick to corkscrew's walls lol, that's my major issue with it.

Virginia, USA

Decided to see how fast I'd do without any shuffling. Pretty cool! If I try to break past the sub 50 mark it'll prolly be near the end of the week. :P

Virginia, USA

Oops I lied tee hee sorry

doutorbart likes this
Santa Catarina, Brazil

Alright, now i learned why i couldn't stick to the corkscrew. I was boosting too soon

DrewPBalls likes this
Santa Catarina, Brazil


DrewPBalls likes this
Washington, USA

oh nice you got sub 3 too bart

doutorbart and DrewPBalls like this
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