Request leaderboard moderation (Read the first post before posting!)
5 years ago
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

@Firewall your video is privat tho even if he would be active he couldnt verify it


Hi, I'd like to request moderation for the game "osu!" ( The current and only moderator for the game hasn't been active in ~6 months and I haven't been able to contact them elsewhere. I've been a verifier for the board for quite some time now as well. Thanks.

Edited by the author 3 years ago

Hello, I would like to become modarator of the game Heroes of Hammerwatch ( the supermod hasn't been active for 2 years on this website, and the other modarator hasn't been online for three weeks, I have attempted to contact them on other platforms, but they are inactive on those as well. I would like to add a coop category which has been requested by some including myself.

United States


I'm the series moderator for the Madagascar series. My request involves a game in our series, "Madagascar 2". I recently discovered that one super mod, and one regular mod have been inactive for almost a year. I tried reaching out to them, but they never responded. And after reaching out to the other two active mods, they have voiced their support in changing the mods.

Therefore, we would like to request that you remove the inactive mods "kirbygame126" & "Dbp", and replace them with myself and the game's current world record holder/fellow series mod "chris_runs".

Edited by the author 3 years ago

I would like to become mod for 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil ( The moderator atm hasn't been online in like 2 to 3 months now. So he doesn't respond to my message (I did sent him one a week and a half ago). He also hasn't stated his discord or twitter so there is no way to contact him for me rigth now. I also have a run pending right now ( for the game. I also red the rules of being a moderator!!!

Edited by the author 3 years ago
New York, USA

I would like to become a super mod for and replace bambywamby31. It seems like their conduct is not appropriate and not acceptable for a mod. I told them that I was banned from the discord linked as the official SRC discord for this game, and they said this in response:

this is I think unacceptable for bamby. I know others have other issues with bambi as well, for instance, there have been concerns about bamby using their personal discord as the official discord for the src page

I believe I fulfill all the requirements for a full mod that are stated in the first post of this thread. My credentials (I'm not using this to say that I'm more qualified than bamby and therefore should replace them as a mod, I am just saying my credentials so people and staff can have trust in adding me as a mod for xbla)

Speedrunning console N64 GoldenEye 007 and Perfect Dark since 2017, got 1 GoldenEye WR in 2017 (former now) , 2 world records in perfect dark, Defection agent 0:05 which is still a WR, and War agent 0:25 which used to be a WR

I have also performed a GDQ run for perfect dark n64 at SGDQ 2019

lastly, I was actually the very first person (or close to the first) to post a run onto the ge xbla page, dam agent 56

Edited by the author 3 years ago
macOS, jerrinth3glitch and 24 others like this

Hello I would like to request to get mod or super mod for SharpShooter3D ( ) I sent the run for approve 4 months ago. Nothing has changed since then. The super mod has been inactive for a year, I wrote to it in all possible ways but never wrote back. I also tried to contact the mod, but this one wrote to me that there was no time now to deal with this category, he even wanted to appoint me an additional mod, but due to the lack of permissions he could not do it. Here is my pending run Thanks.

Utah, USA

Sorry me again.-

TinkerBell and the Lost treasure is still idle. (whichi dont mind Moding) Wizards Of Waverly Place- Has also gone idle too.

United States

I can back up what @alkamaass is saying. I'm a 007 series moderator (and an active member of many 007 speedrun communities) and I feel like the way the GoldenEye XBLA moderators run the leaderboard is a little inappropriate and unprofessional. To me it feels like some streamer and their community rushed to make a leaderboard for a popular game so they could benefit from it, rather than letting people that run the game moderate it. I'm not saying that I should moderate it, but I can list a few people that I think would make for a better fit than the people currently on there.

If that's not bad enough, the same group of people made another leaderboard for GoldenEye N64 because they don't like the community on the-elite (understandable, but inappropriate, in my opinion). They also made a leaderboard for Project-007, a game with no title, release date, screenshots, or gameplay anybody has seen ( The discord link on that leaderboard goes to their personal discord server. Does anybody think that #cookie-jar-general in the Bambywamby31 community server is a good place to organize 007 speedrunning? I just think that the way that game is being handled right now is a total mismanagement of what could be a seriously awesome community.

macOS, cheekychunk and 15 others like this
Wisconsin, USA

Requesting mod/supermod of as both current moderators have been inactive for over five/twelve months. I've tried reaching out on social media to Sabidao without effect. I have a few full game runs awaiting verification as well as multiple level runs.

New York, USA

I have not harassed any of the moderation team members, I simply just am trying to communicate with supermods to try to resolve this, that does not constitute harassment. This claim of harassment is false and a shadow banning a user who has not done anything wrong is not something a supermod should be doing, so I guess I would also like to appeal this ban to the SRC staff in this thread, it is troubling that I was banned especially considering that I believe my dam 56 was the very first run submitted/approved on the GE XBLA board.

I have not sanctioned the spam bots on the forum posts, I last night, noticed somebody made a thread calling for your removal with the account name "alkaisbae" and I found that interesting. Is it wrong to find that interesting? I had no idea until now that someone is spam making accounts and threads.

macOS and Shac0le like this
United States

If what you say about alkamaass is true, then I agree that they shouldn't be a GoldenEye XBLA mod. I think these games and their communities need to be treated fairly and with respect, and that kind of behavior is not acceptable, in my opinion.

I believe everybody that currently moderates GoldenEye XBLA should be removed and replaced with DuskyLW and DaisyFan. DuskyLW truly cares about GoldenEye speedrunning and its communities for both N64 and emulators, and DaisyFan is an outstanding 007 series speedrunner who is passionate about all the games and their small, dedicated communities. Those two are, by far, the most qualified people to moderate what I think is going to be a popular game to speedrun. As the XBLA community grows, they should add new moderators as they see fit.

macOS, Shac0le and 3 others like this
New York, USA

It is not true Fitter, after that screenshot of me asking in the twitch chat them why I was banned from the discord linked on the GE XBLA page, I never interacted or talked to bamby directly again except until now to respond to them on this forum thread (except in a twitch chat where they happened to be there as well but I didn't address anything to them directly).

It doesn't have to be me as a supermod to replace bamby, either Dusky or DaisyFan would be a better supermod(s) than me.

macOS and Shac0le like this
New York, USA

My mistake bamby, I thought you meant shadowbanned from the GE XBLA leaderboards, not the GE XBLA forums. Then yeah, I take back about me being shadowbanned from the leaderboards. I didn't try to post anything after you deleted a post of mine, because I knew it was of no use because you would just delete it eventually anyways.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
macOS, Shac0le, and FitterSpace like this
Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

In regards to the situation on the James Bond boards moderated by @bambywamby31 site staff has come to the decision to remove them from those games, place @DuskyLW and @Marc-André_Morin (DaisyFan) as temporary super mods and remove the private Discord links.

Dusky and DaisyFan will review the boards, add new a moderation team and help to create a community Discord for those communities.

EthaN., Bob-chicken and 11 others like this