My speedrun was accepted and then declined
4 years ago
CearĂ¡, Brazil

the funny thing is that my old speedrun was also made on PS2 Fat with OPL and they accepted it.

But then I get the TOP 1 and they don't accept it anymore .... Hard to understand.

GustavoPredador likes this
CearĂ¡, Brazil

in the description of the game it is written that it is RECOMMENDED that the RUN be made on the Wii because on the Wii the game runs faster ... Is that actually fair? on PS2 Fat with internal HD the game runs at the same speed as the Wii but is not allowed ?? What's the point of that ??

I even asked to create a category just for the PS2 but they refused! I really don't understand where justice is in all of this.

GustavoPredador likes this
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

the wrong one is the joint of the consoles with the different framerate in the same category it is not the same manufacturer each game was made in a different way or modified to work on another console the right thing would be to separate each console to have its own subcategory


Edited by the author 4 years ago
MarlonChavesMCR likes this
Mississippi, USA

the problem is OPL and how it loads games faster then a normal ps2 yes we accepted your run not know what opl was but now we know and are looking into it

Yer_Big_Neebur likes this
CearĂ¡, Brazil

please create a specific category only for PS2 because it is unfair to compete with the Wii

Nowadays everyone who has Ps2 uses OPL is completely normal.

GustavoPredador likes this

TBH if you guys think that this is an emulator just compare this run with a PCSX2 run! PS2 OPL is a regular thing nowadays when talking about speedrunning, refusing his run is a not so smart idea

Edited by the author 4 years ago
GustavoPredador likes this
Clackmannan, Scotland

I agree that the Wii and PS2 should be separate all together for the reasons you stated but let me ask you this, if I was able to use something similar on the Wii to make the games load faster, would you think that's fair? Because I wouldn't. The only reason I brought this up about opl is because I'd never seen it before and still maintain that unless there are categories for it, these runs should be disc only.

DrunkGecko likes this
CearĂ¡, Brazil

This discussion will not end hahaha. moderators think it is unfair for the game to run better on the OPL, but it is also unfair for the Wii to run the game faster than the Ps2 originally. to solve the problem just separate the categories and if you could create a category for emulator it would also be very good. Be more flexible and let everyone participate in the Runs on various platforms.


I also think it is unfair to use the PS2 fat OPL, if it is to use the PS2 it has to be with the physical game. Few people today have 'Fat', most have 'Slim', and to be fair if you created a category just for PS2 (which has to be created) it has to be with the physical game so that everyone would compete on equal terms.

Yer_Big_Neebur likes this
CearĂ¡, Brazil

It is much easier to get a PS2 Fat than a working Wii today. At least here in my country.

I already said and I will repeat: If you take my RUN and compare it with SSJBigBeel, you will see that the game is running at the SAME speed. THIS IS FAIR.

From what I'm seeing here, you want the game to be faster on Wii, is that actually fair?

The thing is to create a category for PS2 where people can use OPL or the game on DVD.

I honestly think that you are complaining a lot about a problem that doesn't even exist ... What do you think about solving all this at once instead of making meaningless speeches.

GustavoPredador likes this
CearĂ¡, Brazil

I put both SpeedRun side by side so that you can see that my game is running at the same speed as the Wii, so you can see that there is no cheating on my RUN.

There is no reason to refuse my RUN:


Man, I understood your side. I would also be pissed if my RUN had not been accepted, but what you don't understand is that it also has external HD on the Nintendo Wii, the screen time of the game on HD is 3a4 seconds, which is much faster. Would it be fair to use it ??

Playing on the PS2 with the DVD, the screen time is 12 seconds twice that of the Nintendo Wii. I do not agree that one is faster than the other but to fix this you have to divide it into categories and not use HD (OPL), and both would have to be played with the DVD. What prevents me from playing with the Wii HD if the PS2 HD is accepted ??

"What do you think about solving all this at once, instead of making meaningless speeches." Kkkkkkkk Man I don't care if your RUN will be accepted or not, I just wrote my opinion.

Bahia, Brazil

You have to separate the PS2 and Nintendo Wii by categories. Another detail, as much as the speed of the load's are different, they continue playing on the console and there is NOTHING in the rules that says that runs have to be done using DVD

CearĂ¡, Brazil

There is no use discussing no brother ... I have been talking to moderators on discord for days and nothing to solve the problem. I was taking a look at the other Dragon Ball games and there is no such problem!

They even let you use emulator in other games like Budokai 3. It was just me getting the TOP 1 that this problem started ... But that's it, they don't want to help us.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Well I'm in favor of separation by console subcategory reasons each loadings on the ps2 is 20 seconds or more depending on the PS2 model, each loading on the wii is practically 10 seconds I don't want to buy a Wii to run separating this would be fair to everyone the Wii console is a more powerful console than the PS2 so only Wii runs have this benefit?

PS2 specifications (6th generation)

128-bit Emotion Engine CPU at 294 MHz Slim: 293 MHz

Capacity of 8, 16, 32, 64 and 128 Megabyte Card storage Graphics Graphics Synthesizer at 147 MHz

DVD media (for movies and games), CD (for music and PlayStation backwards compatibility),

Wii specifications (7th generation) Average Physical and digital

729 MHz IBM PowerPC Broadway CPU Memory 88 MB (total), 24 MB MoSys 1T-SRAM, 324 MHz, 2.7 GB / s bandwidth Storage 512 MB Internal

Edited by the author 4 years ago
MarlonChavesMCR likes this
CearĂ¡, Brazil

Moderating friends help people who play on Ps2. Be fair and separate the game into different Wii and Ps2 categories

XtremeGamer17, Lenilsonsjp and 2 others like this
CearĂ¡, Brazil

So that's it my friends, making a summary:

I spent days talking to the game moderators, we talked a lot and in the end we didn't reach any agreement. They don't want to allow OPL and they don't want to break the game down into Wii and PS2 categories

Unfortunately they don't care about the game or the players who want to make new RUNs.

It is sad but there is nothing we can do. I tried really hard but in the end it was all a waste of time.



I know you guys don't know me, which is a bit inconvenient, but i just came here to throw my 2 cents regarding this situation just to clarify everything, since my fellow Brazilian friends seem very confused and they are clearly new in speedrunning. This entire discussion comes to 2 topics, which they are:

1. Why Wii and Playstation 2 are not saparated? 2. Why OPL is not allowed?

For the first question, i don't know, it's up to the moderators to decide which format is the best/optimal for the leaderboard to work. Although, i agree with separating them since Wii is naturally faster than PS2 and keeping both together sets up as a pay-to-win issue.

Now, for the OPL, there is nothing that can be done, the OPL, by it's own definition is an external program/software that can be applied to the PS2 and serves as a homebrew and allows to play games on different media/device formats (Hard Drive and USB Stick) which drastically affects many aspects of the game, mainly loading times. This, in speedrunning, is considered Hardmodding/Softmodding, when you change the default values and/or aspects of a console in order to achieve an advantage over other people, therefore can be considered as cheating. Now, don't get me wrong on this one, the bad thing is not that OPL allows different functions, but your game is running with a superior performance that can't be achieved by someone who just took the console out of the box. My opinion about it is that OPL should never be allowed in speedrunning, many have stated that "OPL is common in speedrunning nowadays" and that's completely false, it may be amongst casual players, but not in speedrunning. In fact, most of the PS2 leaderboards don't even allow PCSX2 for being too inaccurate and they are right, when speedrun comes to pay-to-win terms, we should always make the best decision to keep it fair play, and using OPL is not fair play, no one should be forced to mod their console (and even getting risk of breaking it) just to afford competing.

To conclude:

Wii separated from PS2? Yeah, seems fair, reasonable change.

Allow OPL? That's a BIG NO NO.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

fake is not, many games on the site allow this

MarlonChavesMCR likes this

@GustavoPredator The only i know are God Of War Games, which are moderated by people who know nothing about Speedrunning (sorry for being rude, but it's true). You can't simply use one franchise over an entire plethora of different games to justify this point.

MarlonChavesMCR likes this
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