New mods
5 years ago
Basque Country

Same :V

It would be nice, I need someone to verificate my 3 runs of Loy sudoku's XD

AntBlueR likes this
United States

Hello everyone so as the newest moderator of this game i am going to be helping out around here getting runs verified, i am on pretty much every hour of the day soo um any new submissions wont be pending as long as they used :)

Gaming_64 likes this
Mazowieckie, Poland

Guys, do you still have discord server? The last invitation link doesn't seem to work.

AntBlueR likes this
Ontario, Canada

Yeah same

I'm down to be a Mod but I am a patient person so I can wait

AntBlueR likes this
Tennessee, USA
She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

I'm pretty active. I'd check for new runs at least once per day.

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Updates to highscore rules

We have decided to make some changes to the highscore rules, All top 10 runs on mobile and All emulator runs going forward REQUIRE video proof that shows all the gameplay.

Any runs submitted after this post that do not meet these requirements will be rejected.

1 year ago
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