SMM3DS Category Extensions
3 years ago
New York City, NY, USA

Can we have category extensions for this game (for example, collecting a specific amount of coins or something)?

Polonxy likes this
Massachusetts, USA

I think this game is too small for a category extension. Refer to this thread about category extension: Thank you, and have a good day.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Polonxy likes this
British Columbia, Canada

Sorry about the late response. And also yeah, this game is a little to small for other categories which are just gonna be dominated by 4-5 people as seen with the addition of the tedious "All Lessons" category. As well as the load time inconsistencies between the old 3ds and new 3ds models make it very difficult and frustrating for other people to actually run the game. However thank you for the suggestion.

Gaming_64 likes this
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100-Man Finale event and server shutdowns

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1 month ago
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Level: 1-4
Level: 1-3
Level: 1-2