Hitman 100% challenges/ 20 Mastery Catagory
2 years ago

Hi, I would like to suggest adding Hitman 100% challenges/ 20 Mastery Catagory for each level, it can be the ultimate challenge! Whst do you think about it?

StrangeSeat likes this

That'd be a hell for verifiers lol

StrangeSeat likes this
United States

Non-Exhaustive list of reasons why this is a terrible idea:

  • You can't reset progress in this game outside of making a new platform account, since this is an Always Online Game.
  • This is by far the biggest detriment to the idea. Considering that on Epic you can't family share, you will have to buy a new copy of the game every new 100% speedrun attempt. How stupid is that?? And a lot of PC players are on Epic (technically you can reset progress via IOI's website, but you can only do this once every few months so this isn't feasible long term). Honestly this alone is enough reason to never consider this idea, you can disregard the other points below.
  • Timing is a whole 'nother rabbit hole. To be true to the spirit of how people actually play the game when trying to do challenges fast, save scumming would probably need to be allowed. However, this would majorly increase verification workload, as it's a whole lot messier to calculate in-game time from someone coming out of a save vs starting a level fresh. RTA timing is out of the question, due to loading time discrepancy.

  • Verifying if someone actually completed the challenges or got 20 mastery is more complex than you might know. In my experience, if you complete a challenge but don't complete the level, this isn't always reflected in the mastery level shown on the planning screen. You have to go into the player's Career->Mastery page from main menu to get an accurate idea.

  • Some challenges are just stupid. Trying to do some challenges such as shooting all the birds in Whittleton Creek, shooting all cameras etc are just extremely tedious on their own, let alone back to back with other challenges.

  • Depending on how you define "100%", this game never ends. This is true even if you consider 100% as just meaning "complete all challenges". Custom contracts (with challenges attached) come out regularly, new ET's with challenges attached come out regularly, new escalations come out regularly, etc.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Godofhappy and StrangeSeat like this

I get your point, the first item is a real deal breaker here😑 thanks for the replay

ItsCam and StrangeSeat like this

I think certain challenge speedruns would be cool

Jupiin likes this
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