i have a small doubt for the runs
8 years ago

Hey guys since i am having some problems with the Street Fighter community because it looks like everyone is completly burthurt and tries to search 40 excuses because they cannot keep up i decided to stop with this right now and i would like to play some ut a game i played for years at top level during the clanbase.com times when it was still alive! My question is, for example you guys have a full run campaign, if for example i do that run and in the meantime i beat the records for DM Assault or even CTF, can i cut that part example " Assault because i did a great time " and still can submit my run on that mode, or do i have to do all this in separate ways? example do 1 video with assault only plus CTF only plus DM only and 1 for campaign only? Or can i use my campaign run and still cut the Modes videos and submit the runs individually even if they match mine campaign run? I hope i esplained correctly lol , cheers guys

Ontario, Canada

I personally feel like you should be able to do this, since we do use the campaign run for each individual category.

Though I do feel like we should then set guidelines when a split should occur, or when time should start for each category, if we are going to do this. That way we can keep the timing consistent because, let's face it, the times will come down to the second or half second for some of these.

That is just my 2 cents on the matter


yep i agree! i would like to know the opinion from a moderator! if this is allowed i will do mine runs this way!


As long as you cut the video properly before submitting it it's fine by me

Edited by the author 8 years ago

ok! i will submit my full run later then; meanwhile i am still getting my aim fixed for godlike lol


btw whats most important, total video time or in game time? cheers


The timing method is RTA so basically when you start the first map till the finish screen on the last map

She/Her, They/Them
8 years ago

Probably not my place, but I thought I'd share the "40 excuses because they cannot keep up" http://www.speedrun.com/The_Site/thread/63nr7/90 I'm not even in the Street Fighter community. But it's pretty damning and I thought I'd warn you all and you could make your own decisions on what to do from there.


Theres actually someone in this thread who can confirm i am legit and everything i said is true my history our website, the competitvidade gaming on unreal etc If he wants to talk about it i am cool if not i respect that, i am getting so much hate that everything counts to kill the runs. All mine USFIV runs were rejected because some of them are with 1 round, but others runners have them with 1 round only!!! No one says nothing about that, same goes for the Trials! All of the trials done on the USFIV thread the version to use them is the Super Street Fighter IV and not the ULTRA SF IV and are still there! same goes for other street fighter games! this is all a conspiracy and no one goes verify what i state!

Edited by the author 8 years ago

Thanks for bringing this to light on our forum Token & deadrobots, much appreciated!

"Theres actually someone in this thread who can confirm i am legit and everything i said is true"

I'm assuming you mean me? You base these ridiculous assumptions over a very small conversation over youtube PMs where all I said was that I remembered the clan you claimed to be in over a decade ago, and wished you good luck on the runs you implied that you were going to crush?

I'm ashamed I didn't properly look into your run, I assumed that since we have very few runners no one would really go out of their way to cheat out a record. Thankfully mmsrhino is more perceptive than me.

S. likes this

cheat out? lol, if you rememher PrT you know what our team was made of, also have you guys tried out patch 451b? loadings are a bit more fast, but hey i will redo this one with patch 436 to have the 5 seconds on the loadings between the maps no problem with that damn, deadrobots and token should also provide the other side of the story instead of coming here and keep claiming assumptions they cannot proof at all, after i posted all the proofs i had! just in case! I also dont remember telling you i would come here crush all the records, all i said was, " i dont need luck, i just have to practise to get my aim and mine shock rifle back " if i remember right, no need to be aggresive based on false acusations from another game, not to mention there is no need to put words in my mouth i never said, also why do you assume it is you? there is still some runners around here apart from you, i dont even know you in the first place, stay cool.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Friesland, Netherlands

I installed UT99 + patch 451b to check out the issue myself.

the ~3 second wait in between ladder maps still exists, unlike stated by the runner, and is absent in the video.

Series mods require to be informed of a way to disable this wait, in order to prompt reconsideration of reviewing the run.

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