Start timer rule (time comparison betwween load chapter, title screen, before title screen)
6 years ago

Not sure how many of you are aware of this, but there is a way to skip ~1sec at the start of the run, before even taking the first jump ... more surprisingly, it's within the rules :O Let me explain :D Depending on where you start the timer (which, for me, is also the first input that takes me ingame) it's possible to reach the ingame much sooner by pressing a key just as the loading is over, but NOT after the title screen is fully visible. Having as little of the title screen visible will make the game fade-out faster, because the title scren wasn't fully faded-in yet, therefor you reach the ingame right away - and, since the title screen comes right after the loading screen, this is still (kinda) within the rules ("Start the timer when press a Button on the title screen")

But, I don't mean to say we should definitely allow this ... mainly because it's kinda hard to tell what's going on in that load-to-title transition

A - a possible solution would be to start the timer when starting to load the first chapter (it's much more clearer when the red little square from the menu starts the blink) ... and you can spam any key to skip the title screen after loading, whcih would take you ingame right after the loading screen ... I timed this and it's very similar with the normal way ppl have been starting the timer (the difference is ~0.1sec, which means all times from the LB can stay the same, only the rules have to be tweaked a little);

B - another (much simpler) solution is to simply adjust the rules to say that the title screen has to be fully visible before starting the timer / the run;

C - but, on the other hand, anything can reamain the same, and the title-skip could be allowed ... the ~1sec skip at the start would be pretty sweet imo.

@all mods, let me know what you think.

video proof : A time comparison between 3 ways to start the run (3 attemtps for each of the 3 strats): 1 - start the timer when loading the chapter. and spam any key to skip the title screen. 2 - start the timer when pressing any key while the title screen is fully visible. 3 - start the timer right after the loading is over, before the title screen is fully vissible.

Edited by the author 6 years ago

this issue has been resolved . a decision has been made : the title screen MUST be fully visible before starting a run ... case closed :)