Old Rankings Site
6 years ago

http://web.archive.org/web/20040910001531/http://ranking.segarosso.com:80/inidss2/n1_rankparm.php This is saved copy of official IDSS ranking site. At this site you can search for best times on IDSS. Only bad thing not all courses works.

Name of courses: 妙義 - Myogi 碓氷 - Usui 赤城 - Akagi 秋名 - Akina 八方ヶ原 - Happogahara いろは坂 - Irohazaka 真・妙義 - Shin Myogi 真・碓氷 - Shin Usui 正丸 - Shomaru Pass もみじライン - Momiji Line 塩那 - Enna 四峠走破 - 4 Course Run

Type of direction: 左周り - Counterclockwise 右周り - Clockwise 下り - Downhill 上り - Uphill 逆走 - Return (Uphill for Irohazaka) 往路 - Outbound 復路 - Inbound

Weather Dry - 晴れ Wet - 雨

Time of the day Day - 昼 Night - 夜

Rankings for IDAS2: http://web.archive.org/web/20060714072559/http://ranking.segarosso.com:80/cgi-bin/ranking2/peruse.cgi Rankings for IDAS3: http://web.archive.org/web/20071130021938/http://ranking.segarosso.com:80/inidas3/n1_rankparm.php Rankings for all IDAS and WMMT: http://idrankings.com Initial D Special Stage close to Version 2 Initial D Street Stage close to Version 3

Edited by the author 5 years ago