2 character glitch in hamsteak%
3 years ago

We've got a run submitted for hamsteak% utilizing the 2-character glitch. Should we allow it or not?

In a speedrunning sence, it's faster to use the glitch and still achieve the original ruling. But looking at it from another perspective it might be against the initial idea of the category because you're not killing the 3rd character.

I'd love to hear your thoughs on this since you've recently been active @ZeroJanitor @noisepolice @ShesChardcore

ShesChardcore likes this
Indiana, USA

It is in the hamsteak% category rules that "The other 2 kids must perish by any means necessary". By not having the third kid present, that requirement is not being met, so I personally don't think it's in the spirit of the original category.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Niss3 likes this
Ohio, USA

I prefer maximum carnage with all 3 teens.

But I love the new 2-person category!

ZeroJanitor and Niss3 like this
Oregon, USA

Maximum carnage! Ok ok. I submitted the 2-Character Hamsteak% run last night. I kind of figured it wouldn't fly, but I mainly did it for fun, surprisingly I did find it very fun.

ZeroJanitor, Avodroc42, and Niss3 like this
Denver, CO, USA

How do you perform this glitch?

Avodroc42 likes this
Oregon, USA


Click on the character you want and then click on start as fast as you can on the character select screen, itโ€™s easiest to pull off with character faces closest to the start button. When the start button glitches out (showing a bunch of 7โ€™s is the usual sign) you can typically start the game with only 2 characters.

Alternatively you can alternate clicking between the character face and start until the game glitches if you have a hard time getting the timing right

ShesChardcore and Avodroc42 like this
Massachusetts, USA

2 kid Hamsteak%... could warrant an alternate category perhaps? I am excited to experiment with this 2 kid glitch for giggles... really any excuse to play more Maniac Mansion..

Ohio, USA

@Avodroc42 there is this crazy new category called any%. You should try it sometime ๐Ÿ˜œ

ShesChardcore likes this
Denver, CO, USA

After seeing the run in action, I'm fine with whatever the community wants, whether it is a subcategory or not splitting it out at all. It's a pretty interesting twist.

NeSs7or9 likes this
Denver, CO, USA

Pulled off a 4:06 in this 2kid Hamsteak run -

noisepolice and NeSs7or9 like this
Oregon, USA

@ShesChardcore I just submitted a 3 character sloppy 4:44 last night with what I thought was a lot of crazy crap I've never seen before, and then here you come with a 2 character 4:06 with even more crazy crap I've never seen before. Nice job! Will have to watch the whole VOD tonight.

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