lack of fairness across platforms.
9 years ago

Well yeah this is to address the lack of fairness across the consoles/pc during runs namely the door/wall glitching, also the fact that No Oob doesn't seem to mean anything with runs clearly going out of bounds (wall clipping is technically going through a hard surface is it not?)

so what are everyone else's opinions on this, maybe the consoles and pc need seperate categories for it to be considered "fair" or maybe im making a mountain out of a mole hill.


I agree totally, i wish no oob was no glitches at all, just get the through the game as fast as possible without glitching at all.

thecoffeemonsta likes this

The leaderboards have an option on the top left corner to separate platforms, by default all platforms is selected. All the records are seperate, just shown on the same lb, to not have ton of leaderboards, most of which would have 0-2 runs. So yes I consider my ps4 record world record, even if here it on default isn't shown as such.

As for no OoB, I don't think the rare instance where you see through wall is same as actually clipping through it. The only reason for instance on courtyard you see through, is because your hitbox is shrunk to very small size due to the glitch. You are still basically just hugging the wall. The one I did in the start of sewers is basically same, except I also crouch while doing the glitch, which allows you to run through the hole as long as you are hugging the wall of the hole. The camera and the body of Miles, which doesn't actually interact with the environment in any way unlike the hitbox, are not affected by the shrinking, so those do actually go through a wall, which makes it confusing for sure.

As for glitchless, you haven't been around as long as I have, but we used to have that, and it caused unnecessary arguments over what is considered glitches and what isn't. The no OoB was chosen to replace it to allow everything that was on that run, plus any other skip that doesn't require going out of bounds. You are free to run with what ever rules you want.

Karpnado likes this

I don't know if it's of any help but even the game I run (Sonic Adventure DX) has unfairness over all the consoles, this will always be the case with different ports. Thankfully it looks like they've added Glitchless back in this game for that reason but does that beat the issue now of "load times" or, when it comes to it, platform exclusive skips? (Skipping not being a glitch of course). It's always going to have the bit of hassle but, as Finath said; the exclusive list for each platform can be selected in the drop down boxes so there aren't loads of leaderboards.

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