Need Help with Fire Seed Skip
6 years ago
South Carolina, USA

Hey guys, I was learning how to run this game and I'm terrible trouble performing Fire Seed Skip. I've been able to do it on super rare occasions (fully maybe 2-3 times) Is there anyone that can help me and tell me what I'm doing wrong. I mainly fail the part in the vid below, which is what I normally get.

I run on epsxe 1.9 emulator version.

Bretagne, France

Hi ! First of all, I invite you to join the Discord Serv, that will be easier for us to "teach" you that skip : I can explain some things quickly from what I saw :

  • 1st, your aiming at the beginning could be better (try to aim the bottom-left of the circle to the black pixel, instad of the bottom-right).
  • You need to 1-Frame Down Pause-buffer, then hold Down-Left when you are into the trees
South Carolina, USA

Hey thanks, I realized i was holding the wrong direction right after I posted lol.

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