PC Thread
6 years ago
Western Australia, Australia

Yo so I quickly made this video and did some timing and testing please read the description for how I went about timing, from a rough calculation I believe PC is 4 and a half to 5 minutes faster than PS2 purely in loads, however I feel the PC Version takes longer to skip cutscenes and there are certain things the PC Version does not have such as the analog stick movement for The Grinch & Max, I have heard certain things dont work on PC dont know if this is true, all of this needs further investigating but maybe a discussion on the future of the boards would be nice personally would hate to see my run get beaten which I have put alot of effort into over an unoptimized PC Run, but at the same time I dont mind if we keep both consoles merged would just like to know nowish and establish some ruling on this.

Video Refference:

Jumpyluff and MasterLeoBlue like this
Colorado, USA

The route and gameplay mechanics will be influenced by no Max analog and that alone gives enough reason for a split. I can make subcategories for console and pc. Rules-wise, what needs to be changed or added?

Saiyanz and MasterLeoBlue like this
United States

It's possible that nobody would care, but could you add dreamcast as a platform?

Saiyanz likes this
Western Australia, Australia

Was going to ask for moderator status but I'm amazed to see you so active jumpy, I honestly side with your opinion and would like the idea of subcategories within any percent similar to kingdom hearts final mix hd but I must protest what route differences are there with Max like sure we can't easily abuse the mechanic where Max can stand over ammo plants but what else is there besides the start in who village? Also could we add PS Dreamcast and PS EMU since EMU is slower anyways

Colorado, USA

PS Emu won't be split from PS Console based on the fact that it's identical outside of loads.

Max differences are mainly things in 100%, I pop 1s and 3s with him in a lot of areas, and in All Gadgets there are a few more places to put him on rotten eggs. Not to mention the most obvious; the plan beneath the poles in forest or the mattress in minefield.

Yes, Dreamcast will be added as well.

Saiyanz likes this
Western Australia, Australia

Yeah I guess.. Isn't insane changes but I see how he is more beneficial outside of any %

Western Australia, Australia

Will you be adding PS2 since crazy some people may play on ps1?

Colorado, USA

Can the PS version be played on PS3, PSVita, and/or PSTV? Also, can the Dreamcast version be played on any other platform? I don't know that line of consoles, so there may be something with backwards compatibility. I'm hesitant to add anything because I simply don't have all the answers, and it opens up a whole can of worms. If you have the answers to these, then yes, I can add the appropriate platforms.

Saiyanz likes this
Western Australia, Australia

According to my sources PSTV & Vita are a bust I can check ps3 tomorrow since I have a NTSC PS3

¤edit I have a pal ps3 can't test it¤

Edited by the author 6 years ago

If you have the disc for any PS1 game it will work on a PS3, dont think it matters which region it is but dont quote me on that.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
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