A few questions
4 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

I have a few questions about speedrunning this game. I recently got the iOS version of this game which comes with the first three levels free. You have to pay to play the other levels. I was wondering if it would be possible to create leaderboards for individual levels as well as a category for the first three levels. I was also wondering if there is any difference between the iOS version and the PC version of the game. Thanks!


Hello ! I just watched a video of the 1st level on IOS and it seems that there is no difference between the PC version and the IOS version, so I added the IOS version for the run submission. I also added a "levels 1-3" category with some rules to it as well as a leaderboard for each level, playable in PC or in IOS. It's really cool that you want to speedrun this game, welcolme !

Pennsylvania, USA

That is amazing! Thank you for the quick reply, and I will hopefully submit a few runs soon!

Pennsylvania, USA

I did find a slight difference between your run and a run of the first level I just did. I will post a video with a time stamp of the difference. It didn't seem to affect the time, but it is different.

Pennsylvania, USA

The difference is at 45 seconds in


I also see that you can directly jump on the tree at 2:14 when in the PC version you need to bounce on the rock first


It doesn't strongly affect the time, so for the moment I see no point in separating the two plateforms. And we're 3 runners so the rules can bend a little.

Pennsylvania, USA

True, if there are more runners we should separate them then. Thanks for all your help!

mini_ben likes this
Pennsylvania, USA

Another difference, on iOS you cannot drop items, you can throw stuff like rocks and pine cones, but the sticks you have to hit an enemy and have it break to get rid of it. This leads to a slightly slower time in level three, but again, not the biggest difference.

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Posted 4 years ago
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