LiveSplit Linux Alternatives
4 years ago
Kansas, USA

I've tried using LiveSplit in wine and the hotkeys for it wouldn't work unless I had it as the window I was focused on and I can't exactly figure out Live split one and how to use that with it being in the browser and I'm wondering if there's any good alternatives I could try instead


Not particularly no other than Llanfair. Some people have issues getting it up and running, but it would be worth a shot.

Kansas, USA

Can I get a link to that then?


EDIT: Disregard that link, I guess the site took the link off their resources page. Here’s the official repo where you can find the last official release

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Kansas, USA

That does not have any timers made for Linux-


See my edit, the site took the timer off their official release page and I wasn’t aware of it. I edited in the official repo link.

Kansas, USA

Alright, I was able to launch it, but I can't seem to be able to set my hotkeys up in it for whatever reason and my guess to why it was removed is because it's not maintained anymore


Well, since you have issues with both LiveSplit and Llanfair I believe it is a different problem you're facing. Probably something to do with input? I am using Llanfair on linux (PopOS) and hotkeys work just fine.

Kansas, USA

I'm on Pop!_OS also

Maryland, USA

@LyssLoaf I've been using a local instance of LiveSplit One with a bit of added CSS for a custom font. Granted, I don't need global hotkeys, so it works perfect fine for me.

Before that I was just using a terminal -