Request leaderboard moderation (Read the first post before posting!)
5 years ago


I'm requesting to be a moderator (or SM, I am not sure which is appropriate) of the game Princess Remedy in a Heap of Trouble - My submitted run has now been in queue for a month. I have other runs that I would like to submit as well as I'm actively running the game, but nobody is around to approve them. The most recent activity from any of the mods here is 3 months ago (auchgard). They do not have any linked social media, though I have tried to catch hangedman while he is streaming on Twitch to message him, but have not had any luck doing so (he is the only one who streams occasionally, the others are completely missing). This game has very little activity so I am not sure that four moderators are necessary, but I'm also not trying to hijack a game from anyone. I just want to verify/maintain runs. I am a moderator of the Princess Remedy Discord if that means anything.

Thank you for your consideration.


@freeze457 Added.

@Jigsaw1 Okay, added.

@xploszia Added.

@therealbmanbeast Okay with adding you, but you need to activate "Require e-mail authentication" in your settings before I can even add you at all. Get back to me when done.

@AkibaMomoro You don't have "Require e-mail authentication" enabled in your settings. While you take the time to enable this, I tweeted at the mod who seems very active on Twitter.

@wortex Upped you to Super mod. The other mod indeed unmodded themselves, likely by accident then.

@Clems Added.

@Crepes Okay with adding you, but you need to activate "Require e-mail authentication" in your settings before I can even add you at all. You also need to attach at least 2 of your own social media accounts to your SRC profile. Read the first post of this thread properly in the future. Get back to me when done.


hello, our only mod for the "deaths gambit" speedrun is inactive for almost a month, again. can someone pls verify my runs? thanks in advance


I've dealt with him.

Daravae likes this


Shoot, I really misread that paragraph, very sorry about that. I've added EFA and two social media platforms for outside contact.

Thank you.


@AlexMenace I think I may have missed your post back in August. Though, your runs were verified not too long after. Have you tried to reach out to the moderator? Send me a SRC DM containing some proof of your attempts and I'll look into it. We'll handle it further from there.

@Mysteriousdewd Thanks. @AkibaMomoro The mod reviewed your runs and got back to us in 1 day on Twitter.

@Crepes Added.

Crepes likes this

Hey There! We're overhauling the mod team on the series "Bully", and the series mod "Nord" hasn't touched our game in years, and refuses to communicate with the community. If we ask him to remove himself he declines. I was wondering if it was possible for you guys to remove him and pass the series moderation over to myself since I moderate everything.

Our main game board is here

Many thanks in Advance.

Edited by the author 3 years ago


I do not wish to be a moderator but I do wish my runs will get verified. It's for the game mistakenly* called Motor Toon Grand Prix ( I have 2 pending runs for 3 weeks+ now (since august 18)

There's only one moderator, NehkRohw, which was last online on sr.c 9 months ago, and both of their social media links are dead ends. However - I traced down their YT page, left a message there 3 weeks ago as well, and got no reply.

Is it possible for someone to verify my runs? I plan on submitting runs for the remaining categories aswell.


  • MTGP was a JP only game and the successor is MTGP2, yet since MTGP was never released in the US, MTGP 2 was released there as MTGP. BrokeBack

@amzy Why doesn't the moderator want to unmod themselves? Also we won't be granting series mod for this series, since it simply does not require one.

@Booskop You can either request moderation for yourselves in this thread, or keep your runs in the queue until a another user wants to moderate this game.

Booskop likes this

@Daravae They're just being a pain in the butt. They've stated they're not running the game again, hasn't in multiple years and refuses to actually be involved with the community. We'd just appreciate being able to do more with it. Series mod would just allow me to also take control of Bully (The PS2 version) as well, since that only has one active-ish mod at the moment.

More than anything it would just be nice to have him removed as he is nothing more than useless and inactive and we wouldn't want to clutter it up with more moderators in the future if we choose to add some.


@Daravae . I messaged her three days ago. She hasn't replied since. i will wait another week and then notify you again for further actions. One of my runs would be a WR, hence I'm really interested in it getting verified. thanks and have a nice day

United States

would like to request this user removed as a mod from due to long term inactivity

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Gaming_64 likes this

Hello, is there a possibility that I will be a moderator on Vendetta? ( I submitted a gameplay on 2020-08-11 and has not yet been verified.

my link run:

current moderator (but that is offline): kobepilgrim Last online: 1 year ago

Indiana, USA

Requesting to be added as a mod (or SuperMod) for Current Mod has been inactive for over a month (another runner has a run pending 1+ months old).

United States

I would like to request be removed as super mod from for long term inactivity (3 years)


Hello, concerning the game LA COPS I sent 3 videos since July 28, I have no answer.

I was able to contact the moderator, he answered me two weeks ago saying that he was going to be checked but he still hasn't done it.


@amzy That is not how series moderation works. Being a series mod doesn't auto grant you mod on all of the attached games. It used to be like that though but game moderation and series moderation are now separate forms of moderation. Back to the issue at hand though.. 'why' doesn't the moderator want to unmod themselves was my question? If you want feel free to send me a DM on SRC and we'll handle things further from there.

@ClythFireStarter Added.

@afnannen136 Removed.

@Metaller Added.

@stormcrow56k It's only been a week. Await the set 3-week threshold and try and message the mod first.

@KillerForce You don't moderate this game.

@lepapagameur Added.

European Union

I like to request the removal of @Spielpro from moderation of for not even being properly equipped to moderate (has no way to retime runs accurately as he only has a mobile device), and basically refusing to do any verification whatsoever (a mod can DM me on discord and I can explain better).


Hey i requested a sexy hiking run submit. Although it didn't get reviewed by the moderator, its been 2 days 😕


@MangoMan Send me a SRC DM containing some proof and we'll handle this further there.

@AsherKash 2 days is not that long. Also the moderators are not even inactive.

EYESOCK likes this