Hello! I am new here and I have a question

So there is thing in games rules which is "You must play as a Tier IV or Tier V country. If you are not sure what tier your country is, a mod will change it for you."

can someone help how do I contact a mod?

I am under 7 days old, but I want to submit a run because i have 3 recordings about my runs

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Florida, USA

There shouldn't need to contact a mod since they will change the tier themselves yet here is some basic info ont tier since that seems to be what you need

VII-superpowers only Usa China and India it the start of the game

VI-Minor superpowers basically just below a superpower think of Brazil Japan and Russia

V- Reginal powers around the power of Turkey Germany and the Uk

IV- From here countries generally have 1 starting unit (with acceptions) goof examples are France Italy Iraq Chile and Morocco

III- nations here aren't weak and have potential yet are almost never particularly strong like Ethiopia Algeria Austria and Azerbaijan

II- small countries with low population that tend to be considered weak yet still have a few cities and are the ones that have 60,000 MP like Albania Georgia and Denmark

I- generally the small weak islands of the Caribbean and Oceania and the Citi States like Monaco Antigua and Tonga.

hope this helps


You can also use the RON Wiki to find the tier of each country

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