Rules for 100%

I wanna work on 100%, what should be required?

  • 100 elemental fruits
  • 12 life elexirs
  • 4 crystal eyes
  • beat Thorn

Now these four things for sure, but should it also require all alternative Skins for the ten Warriors?

What do you think? I just wanna get startet when the rules are set.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Dendris likes this

I always found this one a bit difficult to define. I agree the four criteria you've given are definite, but then are we defining just the Wotnot's back stat page or also completing the Warriors' profiles? Either way I presume we're ignoring the 'bonus' section in the Wotnot, which is the cheat codes and concept art (so high-scoring the individual levels) and max upgrading the rune pouch (seeing as it's not really being 'tracked' in the Wotnot).

If we're just going for the back stat page, then I agree there's nothing else to it, but if the Warrior page is relevant, then I think the following need adding: -All 10 alternative Warrior skins (also needs one pouch upgrade) -Max upgrade all 10 Warriors

The 'max upgrades' are admittedly more of a time sink than anything else (just spam through upgrades after getting all the fruit), but from following 'complete the Wotnot book', that's how I took it.


I would absolutely agree on ignoring the bonus section and rune pouch upgrade.

Warrior page being relevant or not is THE critical point. I am undecided myself what to think about the Skins, since they are partially "real collectibles". I would negate Max upgrades to all Warriors though, since - as you say - its just time sink and has nothing to do with collecting things.

In terms of putting all the mentioned stuff together in a run, there should be - if ever - a "wotnot %" category above the 100% category.

Just my thoughts :-)

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Dendris likes this

Now this is where it gets weird. I believe it makes more sense to focus on tracked collectibles than anything else, so it's fair to say ignoring the max upgraded Warriors, the bonus section, and rune pouch.

However, by this standard, I do still hold that alternative skins should be part of 100% because they are tracked collectibles, just in the wrong page of the Wotnot book, if that makes any sense. Collecting them also does add something of substance in the routing as well, because 100% is mostly a collect-a-thon (so they fit right in), and it gives rise to finding an optimal route for collecting a substantial amount of runes (not just for fruits and elixirs in the shops), such as multiple stone chests.

Or maybe the added runes make it a little too much? I don't know, but I'd be willing to try the lot for what that's worth, and the other shop purchases aren't exactly cheap by comparison if my notes are correct (395 runes, the skins + the pouch upgrade costing another 500 runes on top), so it's probably fine.

And on the "collect-and-complete-everything-OCD" category, yes we could just have a 'Max%' (or 'Wotnot%'/'Completed Wotnot') category made down the line. Never know, it could turn out to be a pretty hilarious meme category. 4Head


Ok, I'm done with any% now, I wanna get on this. Is the moderator reading along here? :-)

So Dendris what you are saying is:

  • 100 elemental fruits
  • 12 life elexirs
  • 4 crystal eyes
  • all 10 alternative Skins
  • beat Thorn

should be required right? I would be fine with that!

Dendris likes this

Yep, those are the rules I'm thinking of. You'll likely need to go and get Supreme yourself for this because I think he currently only tangentially pays attention to this game (i.e. probably not the forum).

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