RTA vs IGT vs "total race time"
9 months ago
Podlaskie, Poland

Currently the "Time" column is basically the RTA, Real Time Attack, measured from the character reset till the finish of War Path, that includes all time spent in the post-race window, menus and loading screens. And that's how it should be.

However, what's currently called as "IGT" is actually not "In-Game Time", as that is usually referred to as time spent in the game (racing, playing and menuing), but without the load times. In RC Cars the times under the IGT are not actually IGT, but something like "sum of race times", shown by the game on the ending screen, rounded to a full second. This "Race Time" also shouldnt be called IGT, as playing the game in RC Cars actually involves also gaining cash after finishing the race and waiting a few seconds to gain extra $, but that waiting time doesn't add to the "Race Time" (but should add to a proper IGT, like it adds to RTA).

My suggestion is:

– Change the name of "Time" column name to "RTA"

– Change the name of current "IGT" column name to something more fitting what it represents, maybe "Race Time" or "Total Race Time" or whatever it might be that would be understandable for everybody what the numbers in that column are, which is the sum of time from 10 races rounded up to a full second

– For the future: Different machines load the game at different speeds. The difference can come to as much as 5s per track load, where one player loads tracks in 2 seconds, and another in 6 or 7 seconds. That can add up to 40, 50, 60 seconds of difference in the RTA from the load difference alone. Perhaps adding a real IGT (RTA minus load times) would be at some point necessary to level the competitive field and remove the load times from the equation, measuring them manually and substracting from the total RTA. It's time consuming, but right now there are not many runs anyway, the problem will only get bigger the more runs there will be in the future.

Edited by the author 9 months ago
HighPriest and Raytem like this

Hello there Zipper & Raytem.

The IGT column cannot be renamed, there is only space for "Real Time, Real Time without loads & In Game Time", which names cannot be changed. Nevertheless, it does not mean we cannot interpret these slots however we desire :)

Unfortunately the in-game-timer is seriously inprecise, even with constant 60FPS, it drifts way off the real passage of time. You could try proving that the time passage counted by the IGT, matches the physics calculation ticks, but nevertheless, it is not a reliable timer and isn't going to be used to sort results, ever. (Maybe if someone does some software fix to the game in general)

So, I have left it as a "fun gimmick", so people can maybe see if they are losing time in menus or on track.

It is also used as the default results sorter in ILs, but it is out of laziness. There is no real competition there, so it is left like this to encourage people to upload at least something.


About time without loads. Yes, it is an issue of many games when it comes to level field in speedrunning. RC Cars has pretty simple memory architecture, it is trivial to read values like speed, or money state, so it is probably also trivial to detect level & transitions between levels. There are people who can build auto-splitters in such cases. When an auto-splitter will be created, then we can introduce RTA w/o loads. For now, it might even be more fun to tinker with improving the games performance in general. Also in menus.

Edited by the author 9 months ago

I have played a little with framerates and we have to introduce a "Display FPS on screen" rule for further submissions.

There is space to make gains, solely by running different framerates, especially on IGT.


As i'm one of the moderators now, i can see that there are avaiable 3 timers - RTA, LRT, IGT. We can not rename them, but we can give them correct definitons and it will be fine solution. RTA is RTA, IGT is a sum of race times. LRT should be the new timer that would be set at first place before RTA and IGT. Only thing is we fairly need autosplitter (load-remover) to be good with that. Yeah, LRT can be calculated manually (it still should be recalculated manually (checkin' up) even if we have the load remover), but it might be tough, and we need a proper decision made generally from all of us.

If we are talking about unstability of IGT race time, we should look if it`s stable. I mean, how many seconds are left per 1 minute (just an example of research) and how much the timeloss fluctuates. If it is not stable at all, we also need change the timing rules for IL runs.

BTW, all of my existed runs made at 60 fps that was locked ingame. I guess it's a native fps here.


The speed of the game is vary and depends on which version and fps limit you`re running. The OP FPS for most of the versions is 70. There is some another features like running window mode to skip the resolution changing from menu to to track.

Edited by the author 9 months ago
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