Why there's no life / magic containers in my game?
8 years ago

I'm trying to emulate the japanese version, Zelda II No Bouken, but I tried to play them using FCEUX and NESTOPIA, I also tried different BIOS, the game looks playable, but I do not see any life or magic containers where they should be

Any help?

Thanks in advance

Ok, that's solved, it was the rom. Now I'd like to know why it takes much time in WAIT state than it does on the speedrun I watch, any trick?

United States

Some of the Disk images going around are bad, meaning the containers are missing.

The WAIT times vary between systems. If you watch a run on Powerpak then it's really fast.

We subtract load times though. Just count the frames WAIT is on screen, and that's your load times.

I really thank you so much for you fast answer. That spreadsheet looks quite complex to me. is there any way using an emulator (fceux, nestopia, ...) to make my load times faster? Is it possible to emulate a powerpak?

Edited by the author 8 years ago
United States

Nah, but they don't matter. They get subtracted in a competitive context.

If you get a run you want to submit let me know and I'll help you use the sheet.

Edited by the author 8 years ago