Gas room OOB
4 years ago
Massachusetts, USA

Does anyone know if the gas room OOB is faster or slower then the normal method used to get the code in the gas room? For those who don't know this is the out of bounds I'm talking about.

California, USA

I believe there is a faster method than that. It's been a while but I'll revisit it and get more up to date info on it.

United States

I'd check the MG 100% runs of Witch and Silent. I believe they use the fast version of this in their runs

Raclesis likes this
California, USA

I don't believe they use the glitch in their runs if I remember correctly. I just recorded the optimal method using a knife. There is a way to do it with bazooka too but it's more difficult. I'll figure that out next and post. Here is the optimal knife method. Make sure you slash down with the knife. That makes it much easier to clip in.

Raclesis likes this
Massachusetts, USA

Thanks for looking into this Clix. And yeah they don't use the glitch in their runs, but this looks pretty quick if it can be done right on the first try.

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