New Built-in Autosplitter on LiveSplit
2 years ago
United States

I have just uploaded a new autosplitter for RE1 to LiveSplit. HUGE thank you to SHiiDO for allowing me to overwrite his existing one!

The default settings of this autosplitter are IDENTICAL to the one that was previously up there, so if you do not want to, you do not need to make any changes at all if you are happy with how it was functioning. This option is called "checkpoint splits" in the new autosplitter.

Routed door splits for every main board category. These splits will only split when going in the correct direction along the route for the category. Just set your category in the Settings menu! The existing splits upload by SHiiDO should be compatible with these!

Don't like splitting on every door? Using these will reduce Bad Ending runs to 16 splits and Good Ending runs to 17 splits. Blank splits files for these will be uploaded soon, but you can check the website for more detail ( )

These split on every door transition you make, regardless of route. These are different to the previous version of the autosplitter in that they don't wait at certain checkpoints to catch up.

Do you like splitting on key item pickups? Then this is the option for you! You can select which items you'd like to split on, then the autosplitter will split when that item enters your inventory. Key item splits are also compatible with any version of the door splits as well, so you can add them in to the segmented splits, or if you want about 250 million splits, into the door splits!

Tutorial video coming in the next couple days, but please read the autosplitter webpage if you want to see more details on the autosplitter

If you have any questions, or have any bugs to report, please let me know by replying to this thread!

Edited by the author 2 years ago
ItsBRN, Gmundy and 2 others like this

Noice, cheers guys for putting this together ^^

ItsBRN and deserteagle417 like this
Galicia, Spain

Thanks for the New Autosplitter @deserteagle417, awesome work! I've followed your tutorial posted on discord to set everything up and I've been trying the new segmented splits downloaded from resources section. The timer starts for every category except for Chris Bad Ending NMG No restriction/Knife only where stays at zero. Also I tried a complete run of Jill Any% NMG with the segmented splits and even if it starts it's not splitting and stays on the King Henry split forever. With the old All Door Splits by Shiido and checking Door Splits instead of Segmented in Autosplitter config, the timer starts and splits until the end for Chris and Jill Any% NMG (I completed both) Here is a screenshot with my config with segmented splits:

Can you check this? Thanks

Edited by the author 2 years ago
United States

Hey @SenhorX. Thanks to SRC's shit notification system, I never got one for this and just saw it now! Did you ever get it to work? I know it worked for me and a few other people that tested it. If it's still not working, can you DM me on Discord so I can actually see your messages because SRC sucks lol

Galicia, Spain

Sorry for the late response @deserteagle417, I've been busy with studies over the last 2 months and didn't check the forum until now. Last time I checked, Chris Any% with segmented splits kept the same, the timer doesn't start but with Jill Any% segmented splits something strange happened. Timer always starts but it's not splitting every run. I managed to finish one run without problems but on the next run didn't split. I also did some tests With Jill Any% All Doors splits and the routed autosplitter option checked. Everything worked well until the Underground split before entering Lab, where splitted twice. Finally using the all doors splits with default autosplitter settings ('Other Door Split option's and 'Enable checkpoint splits') both checked, never had any trouble with Jill Any% but with Chris Any% in a couple of runs it splitted twice on the main hall stairs, one time starting the run going up 'after what happened to jill and wesker' cutscene and the other going down after King Henry. I have both on video if neccesary. I finished several runs with Chris without problems but I think it's worth to mention this. I have free time now so I'll do more test on another computer just to be sure.

Sorry for the long post and we can talk on discord if you want. DM any time :-)

Edited by the author 1 year ago
deserteagle417 likes this
United States

I'll check these out when I can!

SenhorX likes this
United States

Okay, this issue should be fixed now!

SenhorX likes this

Hi your autosplit looks really good, but the timer doesn't start even if I run it as admin. I got a month ago. I have to use RTA and hotkeys to get a time

United States

You'll have to share with me your settings in LiveSplit for the autosplitter and which version you're running on. Also, the exe name needs to be correct. You can see which exe names work if you click on the "website" tab next to the autosplitter settings


I opened the file using notepad and and contains Resident Evil for PC versions and I was trying to autosplit using Duckckstation of course the timer will never start. Any idea how to autosplit with Duckckstation or ePSXe emulator?

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