New discord (again)

We've created a new Discord server because @afnannen136 is inactive so he can't give us our roles.

Please join it:

Edited by YUMmy_Bacon5 3 years ago
grnts, Pear and 4 others like this

Link expired, please share a new invite.

grnts, Zanum and 2 others like this
Somerset, England

@HappiMike, that post's link is old. Use this game's normal one instead

[small]Lol, underlining a link is a good way to show that it is one[/small]

Edited by the author 1 year ago
grnts, CyanWes and 4 others like this
Bahia, Brazil

click on the discord icon below the follow button

grnts, jensj56 and 3 others like this
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Updates to highscore rules

We have decided to make some changes to the highscore rules, All top 10 runs on mobile and All emulator runs going forward REQUIRE video proof that shows all the gameplay.

Any runs submitted after this post that do not meet these requirements will be rejected.

1 year ago
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Posted 1 year ago
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