100% (Rockstar) Question
9 years ago

question: why does 100% (rockstar) not have all of the stuff? like, 14 random events out of 60 for example. i'm not trying to be snarky or anything, i'm just curious, as a viewer of GTA5.

also, in the rules- criteria is already a plural word, plural for criterion, so you wouldn't use "criterias."

Norfolk, England
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
9 years ago

I think Nord made this category earlier, but I can fill you in on why this is.

Although I'm not sure if the name is the best, he's given it that to differentiate it from "full"/"true" 100% which would be doing everything.

Basically, to get the game to say "100%" you do not have to do everything in each type, you can do a select view. They did this to make it easier and to make it so you can't be locked out of 100% if you choose to kill Michael/Trevor for one of your endings.

I won't go into more description here, if you google it or look at the Wikia page, you should be able to see what it means: http://gta.wikia.com/100%25_Completion_in_GTA_V

Hope this helps!

EDIT: I corrected the spelling for you ;)

huh, that makes sense. thanks a bundle zoton