100% category
2 years ago

What do you mean by "100%" category?

This category is not only undefined but also there is no reason for it, IMO.

Auvergne, France

100% category consists in killing all the enemies, no matter the way. There is no other constraint but glitches are not allowed except combo reduction.

You know, about the reason to add categories, it's up to the players. If you don't find any interest in a category, you don't have to run it and therefore to do this kind of remark.

Sorry, I didn't read through rules for the category.

Seems to be logical but I doubt anyone will be intersted as it is going to be very long and you may miss some areas by ging one way and not the other as you want be able to come back - for example in Tower of Dal Gurak.

Also, what about archers? Are they all reachable so one is able to kill them?

Edited by the author 2 years ago

With archers the question is not completely resolved, but I am in favor of killing them only on Oasis of Nejeb, because there they are killed with 1 arrow. On all other levels they take longer to kill and on some levels they even disappear. Gorge of Orlok: 2 archers, easy enough to kill, but a lot of time and arrows spent, plus they can fall in an awkward place and have to run back and check. Temple of Al Farum: There are 2 disappearing archers (total of 4, but 2 don't disappear). They disappear after opening the door with fire and water. Kill them only with a bow and it's quite problematic, as they require more arrows + can interfere the second archer (which does not disappear). Temple of Ianna: If I'm not mistaken there are 7 unreachable archers, which requires a lot of arrows, and killing them where they stand in four is almost impossible. Tower of Dal Gurak: Here I do not remember exactly, but there are 2-3 unreachable archers, which in addition quickly disappear and focus with sword of Ianna on them can not, so kill only with the bow.


In the tower of Dal Gurak you can go back: Initially it is better to go left, go to the place where there are two minotaurs and dark knights, kill them, and then jump to the beginning and go right.

With archers the question is not completely resolved, but I am in favor of killing them only on Oasis of Nejeb, because there they are killed with 1 arrow. On all other levels they take longer to kill and on some levels they even disappear.

Rule has to be simple and unambiguous, explicit. How about that?: All enemies reachable by foot.

This would make it simple and easy to follow, otherwise there will be someone who will say, those two in Orlok are doable, just collect their arrows and will have enough of them. If so this will apply to the others. It's laborious, to not say tedious, enough to not make it even more tedious, and unappealing.

Edited by the author 2 years ago

c13ply, good idea, but then you could miss 2 archers out of 4 in the Oasis of Nejeb.

That's exactly what I'm talking about - when you make an exception, then why not more; there will be more exceptions until everything will fall into it.


Corrected the rules of 100% category: "It is necessary to walkthrough all the levels so that all the enemies were dead (not necessarily that they are killed by the player), except for those that are impossible to reach. It is also necessary to collect all the runes. Only combat glitches are allowed."

Thanks, that's what I meant. The simplest rules the better.