100% category
4 years ago
Washington, USA

Moving this discussion over from the main leaderboard forum. I agree with DillPickel; I think 100% should be all Grand Prix stars and all kart parts (except maybe the gold glider since coin grinding does not make for an enjoyable category). All stars can be achieved by doing all Grand Prix cups on 150cc, Mirror, and 200cc, and you'd need to beat all 150cc staff ghosts to unlock gold Mario. Not sure if beating all 200cc staff ghosts should be required as well, since doing so doesn't unlock anything (thanks Nintendo) and you would already have to play all tracks on 200cc to get all the Grand Prix stars.

Washington, USA

Also, there's already a planned category that will be something like "All Time Trials". Any decent run of that would beat all staff ghosts on that speed class, so a category like "All Staff Ghosts" would be redundant.