Request leaderboard moderation (Read the first post before posting!)
5 years ago

I want to be the new Ao Oni moderator. The game's speedruns have been active lately and require multiple moderators. (I'm using translation software for this text.)

Tegron likes this

@Hagen Your run got verified yesterday.

@Tegron This request needs to come from existing mods if any and there is another mod on that board. For your pending run, I have tweeted at ty2358 on Twitter. I suggest you do the same thing.

@BrillianceTV Yes, you are added.

@Jlegobot I'll send them a message on Twitter too. I'll get back to you whether they responded or not after a reasonable amount of time. For now, you can start with abiding by the requirements in the first post of this thread. As you require at least two working social media contacts of yourselves attached to your profile that both offer DM/messaging capabilities.

@Tsukisuki As mentioned in my post hereabove to @Tegron I tweeted at the existing mod to ask them to review the pending runs.

Edited by the author 4 years ago

Hello there,

I uploaded a run of "HunieCam Studio" almost 3 weeks ago, the only Mod of this game hasn't been online for 9 months. I reached out for her on Twitter ~ a week ago, but haven't recieved an answer. Seeing as her most recent run has been 4 years ago i believe myself justified to request a moderation change.

Regards, Das


I would like to be a moderator of the game Raft Wars: I myself currently do not have any pending runs, however there was a forum post ( recently asking for their runs to get verified. This isn't the first time this has happened, back when I submitted my own "No upgrades" WR run, it took 2 months to get verified, after I contacted the slightly more active mod in twitter, which I did again for the verifying the new run, but it seems he has been inactive on twitter as well for quite some time now. Looking at the info page of the 2 mods, it seems one of them has been inactive for 8 months and the other has been inactive for over an year now. Also a kinda related separate request: This game also has a sequel ( but the series page hasn't been created. So please look into it as well.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
United States

@Daravae I have added 5 ways to contact me outside of this site.


Hi, I'd like to request moderation for - I have some runs pending and the moderator has been inactive for 5 months. I tried to reach out on Twitch and Discord (I'm not allowed to send him a Twitter DM) with no response, on all his social contacts he's been inactive for the same amount of time. Thanks.

United States

Hi i would like to request a moderator for ,there is currently no mods for that game with a small leaderboard and i have a pending run. I am willing to take the spot of moderator for the leaderboard.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Czech Republic


Few weeks ago, I requested "World Rally Championship" ( )series but I didn't received supermod permissions. How can I achieve it? I'm moderating almost every game from that series.


Hi, I am one Speedrun since 1 month and I've submitted some runs through which some of them already published. I recently submitted some runs on Project I.G.I 2 Covert Strike and will also submit more on it but my pending runs haven't verified since one week, so I checked the only moderator's information named Twispy and he is offline from last five months. I tried contacting him at Twitch but he has not posted there from last one year. Feeling helpless I checked the help section and found that Full Moderators like you can help me in these situations. So, I need your help, please remove the only offline moderator and made someone else. I am also ready to become a moderator if you think I am eligible for this so that I can publish my speedrun and can be able to take actions on future SpeedRUN's also. Therefore, it's my kindly request to you please look into this matter and take some appropriate action as you think.

Thank you, I hope you will take some action soon and reply 🙂

Game Link:

Only Super Moderator Link:


@daswasich Okay, added.

@Jlegobot Thanks. For now, I tweeted at the mod. I will get back to you if they haven't replied after a reasonable amount of time.

@adrianus Okay, added.

@Tenfive6 Okay, added.

@CPZ This series doesn't require moderation.

@OmaiR_IrfaN I'm okay with adding you, but you did not meet the requirements mentioned in the first post of this thread before you posted here, as E-mail authentication needs to be enabled in your settings. Please perform the required and get back to us when done.

Tenfive6 likes this

@Daravae thanks for your fast and kind reply. I though that it just required email verification not login authentication. By the way, I've enabled it on my account. So you can make me MOD now.

Michigan, USA

Hello, I am going on 4 weeks waiting for my run to be verified on the Disney-Pixar Brave speedrun page but have not been verified and I contacted the moderator of the game more than a week ago and they still have not responded, is it possible to be put on as a moderator of that game as they have been inactive for so long

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Michigan, USA

Actually now that I look at it I have no idea who the mod is because it dosen't say on the page

California, USA

Hello, I submitted a run for Paddington: Adventures In London for the 3DS: I see that the only moderator hasn't been active for a year, and I tried to contact him but no reply: Also the categories for this game that they made are messed up, so please consider making me a moderator:

Best, Agent


@Daravae I think you missed my post up there


@OmaiR_IrfaN Thanks, you are added.

@Stevetvonline Okay, added.

@agent_ex_y_z Okay, added.

@GMP Sorry. Thanks for attending me to that. Either way, I'm okay with that, added. For your series request, please create a series request through /requestgame, though do know that a series requires a minimum of 3 games that belong in the same series to be considered.

@wickedxmage Direct your inquiry to the active mod. We are not gonna hamper active existing mods in their decision whether or not to add additional mods.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
GMP and VSMage like this

@Daravae thank you so much for that! One more thing, the same moderator(Twispy) is only super moderator of the other game of the Same Project I.G.I Series and also of the Project I.G.I Series page.

So, I request you to also update the Super Mods there and remove him since there is no active Super Moderator there.

Only Super Mod link(Twispy):-

Project I.G.I Series main page:-

Other Game of the same series where he is only Super Mod:-

Edited by the author 4 years ago

@wickedxmage The mod verified your run 30 minutes ago. If you have any questions regarding your pending runs, DM the game mod like I already said.

@OmaiR_IrfaN If the other mod on the Project_I.G.I 1 page wants them removed and them upped to Super, they will have to post here themselves. As for that series, removed them. It doesn't require moderation anyway.

South Carolina, USA

3-D WorldRunner needs a mod - I've submitted a few runs over the past few days and never received a response on any of them


Hello, Currently the moderator of ( has been inactive for at least 5 months. The board has had verification's removed, and there are no rule sets or difficulty separation for the game. There has been mentions in the community that they would like to address these issues. As the current WR holder I would like to become a moderator to address these issues.