New 3DS Submissions?
3 years ago
Washington, USA

I saw another thread that said New 3DS counted as pocket edition, but there is no legacy pocket edition, and the 3DS isn't counted as part of pocket edition under Bedrock. Is it even possible to submit 3DS runs at this point?

Texas, USA

3DS runs were allowed at one point, but they were removed as really no one actually ran on it. Plus 3DS and LCE are both entirely different games (different codebase btw)

Fedecrash02 likes this
Georgia, USA

Idk if you really care anymore, but the new 3ds version has its own page now!

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Regarding Glide Leaderboards

Hey this is Alexis, and after some debating, it has come to my sense that I will close the Glide Leaderboards for good. The leaderboards will still remain, but runs will no longer be accepted. If you want to submit your runs, refer to the Glide Discord Server here:

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